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Adobe GoLive 6.0- P11: This book, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with theterms of such license. The content of this book is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, andshould not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibilityor liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book
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Adobe GoLive 6.0- P11308 LESSON 8 Creating Rollovers 5 From the Action pop-up menu, choose Multimedia > ShowHide. From the Floating Box pop-up menu, choose Navigation03 (remember this is the floating box that contains the secondary navigation menu for the About Us rollover). From the Mode pop-up menu, choose Show. This action shows the secondary navigation menu when the mouse enters the About Us rollover image. Choosing ShowHide action Choosing Show mode Now you’ll add two more actions to the same image to hide the other two drop-down menus—Trilobites and History. 6 In the Actions palette, under Events, select Mouse Enter to specify an action to occur when the mouse moves over the button. Then click the New Action button ( ) to add a second action to the Actions list box. 7 From the Action pop-up menu, choose Multimedia > ShowHide. From the Floating Box pop-up menu, choose Navigation01. From the Mode pop-up menu, choose Hide. 8 Repeat steps 6 and 7, hiding the Navigation02 floating box. Although we added the first two pairs of rollover buttons and drop-down menus for you, you’ll have to add a Hide action to each in order to hide the About Us drop-down menu. (The Hide action can’t be added until the floating box containing the drop-down menu exists.) 9 In the index.html document, select the Trilobites image in the floating box Button01. ADOBE GOLIVE 6.0 309 Classroom in a Book10 In the Actions palette, click Mouse Enter in the Events column, and click the NewAction button.11 From the Action pop-up menu, choose Multimedia > ShowHide. From the FloatingBox pop-up menu, choose Navigation03. From the Mode pop-up menu, choose Hide.This action will cause the About Us drop-down menu to disappear when the mousemoves over the text Trilobites.12 Repeat steps 9 - 11 for the History image in the floating box Button02, adding anaction to hide Navigation03 again.13 Choose File > Save.Hiding the drop-down menu when the page loadsIn this final step, you’ll hide the secondary levels of navigation—the drop-down menus—when the page loads and until a Mouse Enter event occurs.1 In the index.html document, select the Navigation03 floating box—the floating boxthat holds the Who We Are, What We Do, and Contact Us text.2 In the Floating Box Inspector, deselect the Visible option. This makes the floating boxinvisible until the mouse moves over it.Earlier in this lesson, you made the Navigation01 floating box—the floating box thatholds the Cyphaspis, Asteropyge, and Morocconities text—visible so you could see theformat of the drop-down menu that you were creating. You’ll hide that floating box again.3 Select the Navigation01 floating box. In the Floating Box Inspector, deselect the Visibleoption. This makes the floating box invisible until the mouse moves over it.4 Now all three secondary drop-down menus are invisible until the mouse rolls over thetext Trilobites, History, or About Us.5 Choose File > Save to save your work.310 LESSON 8 Creating Rollovers Managing floating boxes You can use the Floating Boxes palette to temporarily lock, hide or show a floating box as you work. Settings in the Floating Boxes palette do not affect the display of the floating boxes in the browser. You can also use the Floating Boxes palette to quickly select multiple floating boxes for alignment and grouping. Note: Some settings in the Floating Boxes palette are only temporary and will be overridden when you switch document views or click the Play button in the DHTML Timeline Editor for an animated floating box. Temporary settings help you work with multiple floating boxes regardless of their status in the Floating Box Inspector. Previewing in a Web browser Now that you’ve finished modifying the home page of the Web site, you’ll preview the page in a browser. 1 Click the Show in Browser button on the toolbar to preview the page in the Web browser that you selected in the GoLive preferences. 2 When you have finished viewing the home page, close it and exit or quit your browser. ADOBE GOLIVE 6.0 311 Classroom in a ...