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Adobe GoLive 6.0- P2: This book, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with theterms of such license. The content of this book is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, andshould not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibilityor liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book
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Adobe GoLive 6.0- P2 ADOBE GOLIVE 6.0 23 Classroom in a Book3 In the Add to Site dialog box, navigate to Lessons/Lesson01/01Start/. Select the mediafolder (but don’t open it) in the 01Start folder, click Add Folder (Windows) or Add(Mac OS), and then click Done.4 In the site window, click the plus sign (Windows) or the triangle (Mac OS) next to themedia folder to display the folder’s contents. These are the images you’ll use to build yourWeb pages. Click the symbol next to the media folder again to close the folder.Creating a new folderNext you’ll add a new folder to the site to hold some of the pages you’ll create.1 Be sure to click the title bar of the site window to make the site window active.2 To create a new folder, click the New Folder button( ) on the GoLive toolbar.3 Rename the new untitled folder pages. Most Web servers are case-sensitive and restrict the characters you can use in filenamesand folder names. When naming files and folders, avoid using a forward slash (/), space, orampersand (&). Avoid using a period (.) except as part of an extension (for example,index.html), and avoid using the hyphen (-) as the first character in a filename or foldername. Your Web server may have additional requirements.24 LESSON 1 Developing Web Sites with Adobe GoLive 6.0 The site now consists of a file named index.html (the home page of the site) and two folders—the media folder that you imported, which contains several image files, and the pages folder that you created, which is currently empty. Designing a first Web page Now that you’ve added some folder structure to the site, you’ll begin designing your first Web page. In the next lesson, Lesson 2, “Getting to Know the Work Area,” you’ll learn how to customize your desktop in GoLive. For the moment, you’ll simply move your site window to the bottom of your monitor display, and position the document window above it. 1 To reposition your site window, drag it by its title bar to the bottom left of the screen. 2 In the Files tab of the site window, double click the index.html file to open the home page in its own document window. 3 Drag the document window by its title bar and position it above the site window. If you need to resize either the site window or document window, do so. 4 To resize a window, drag the lower right corner. If needed, you can toggle between the site window and the document window by clicking the Select Window button ( ) ( ) on the toolbar. ADOBE GOLIVE 6.0 25 Classroom in a BookTo avoid clutter, you’ll close any palettes that are open. You can easily re-open palettes asthey are needed.5 To close all open palettes, choose Window > Workspace > Hide Palettes.First you’ll change the title of the Web page. The title that you enter appears in the titlebar of a Web browser when your page is viewed. The title is also used, together withkeywords, by Internet search engines and browsers to identify content in your pages. Thetitle is not the same as the file name.6 Click the text “Welcome to Adobe GoLive 6” located next to the Page icon ( ) at thetop of the document window to make the text editable. Replace this text with the new title,First Strike Matches. You can use the Backspace button to erase the existing text, or youcan drag to select the text and type over it.26 LESSON 1 Developing Web Sites with Adobe GoLive 6.0 To add text or apply a value that you enter in the GoLive work area, you can either press Enter or Return or change the focus by clicking elsewhere in the work area. For this lesson, you’ll use the default page size. When designing Web pages, you’ll usually want to make them no wider than your viewer’s screen. You can choose 580 from the menu at the bottom right of the document window to display the current page at 580 pixels wide, the standard default width for 14-inch monitors. This helps prevent you from adding objects, such as large graphic banners, that are too wide to display on a standard page. If you know the monitor size of your target audience, consider subtracting 60 pixels from the width and 120 pixels from the height of the monitor resolution to get the optimal size for your page without scrolling. Adding text ...