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Adobe illustrator cs4- P10: Good designers have many tools at their disposal. Especially in an environmentwhere most designers have other powerful graphics applications, itcan be diffi cult to choose which one to use for a particular task. For example,a designer can apply soft drop shadows in Photoshop, Illustrator, andInDesign—is one application any better than the others for this?
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Adobe illustrator cs4- P10244 CHAPTER 7: WORKING WITH LIVE EFFECTS NOTE SVG effects Illustrator can also import SVG filters. To do so, choose Effect > SVG should be the last Filters > Import SVG Filter. In the dialog box, open an SVG file with aeffects applied in the stacking filter effect in it; when you do, Illustrator will import that filter into yourorder when multiple effects current file.are being specified; other-wise, the SVG effect will endup being rasterized. WARP: CHOOSING YOUR DISTORTION The Warp effect is one of several distortion functions in the Illustrator arse- nal. You can use Warp to apply any of 15 different preset distortions to any object, group, or layer. To apply a Warp effect, make a selection, and choose Effect > Warp > Arc. Even though all 15 warp styles are listed in the submenu, you don’t have to worry about choosing the right one just yet—the Warp Options dialog box lets you choose from any of the preset warp styles. When the Warp Options dialog box appears, select the Preview check box so you can preview your warp on your artboard as you adjust the settings. Click the Style pop-up menu to choose from the list of warp styles: Arc, Arc Lower, Arc Upper, Arch, Bulge, Shell Lower, Shell Upper, Flag, Wave, Fish, Rise, Fisheye, Inflate, Squeeze, and Twist. Little icons appear to the left of each warp style to help you visualize what each one does, although trial and error probably works better (Figure 7.26).Figure 7.26 The little iconsthat appear to the left ofeach Warp effect help youunderstand what eachoption does. APPLYING PHOTOSHOP EFFECTS 245Once you’ve chosen a warp style, you can specify whether the warp is NOTE Refer toapplied horizontally or vertically, and you can adjust how slight or extreme Chapter 2 for detailedthe warp is applied by adjusting the Bend slider. Also, you can use the information on the other dis- tortion features in Illustrator,Horizontal and Vertical sliders to apply additional distortion to your as well as a sidebar of thoseselection. features as they compare toWarp effects are particularly useful when applied at the group or layer level, the Warp effect.where you might often add or remove elements from the group. For example,you might apply a Warp effect to a logo to show movement or excitement. Ifyou applied the Warp effect at the group level, adding new art to the groupwill automatically cause the new art to take on the same Warp effect.A PPLYING PHOTOSHOP EFFECTSThe effects we have discussed to this point are considered Illustrator effects,and for the most part, they are vector in nature and make adjustments tovector paths (with the obvious exception of the Rasterize effect and most ofthe Stylize effects).However, Illustrator also has the ability to apply a variety of purely pixel-based effects to any object, group, or layer. These effects are grouped in thePhotoshop Effects section of the Effect menu. The same rules as to howeffects are applied through the Effect menu and edited via the Appearancepanel apply to these effects as well.In truth, the Photoshop effects in the bottom portion of the Effect menu NOTE Be aware thatare really Photoshop filters. You can copy Photoshop filters and plug-ins copying objects withinto the Illustrator Plug-ins folder (found in the same folder in which the below-the-line effects from one document to anotherIllustrator application file appears), and they appear listed in the Effect may cause the appearancemenu as well. of the effect to change ifAt first, it may seem unnatural to find that you can apply a Gaussian Blur the two files have different ...