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Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book- P9: This book, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with theterms of such license. The content of this book is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, andshould not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibilityor liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book....
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Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Classroom in a Book- P9 ADOBE PAGEMAKER 7.0 231 Classroom in a Bookdocument name, the document is up to By moving 07Pants.tif into the Save folderdate. As you select each item, a message instead of in the Recycle Bin (Windows) orbelow the list indicates its current status. Trash (Macintosh), you can easily return the project to its original state when you have2 Click OK. finished.Simulating link status changes Because the copy you moved into 07Lesson has a more recent date than the one that youIn the following steps, you will move one moved from 07Lesson, you have simulatedgraphic file and simulate updating another updating the 07Pants.tif file in anotherfile by replacing it with a copy that has a application, such as Adobe Photoshop.newer date. Then you will look at the LinksManager dialog box to see the results. 4 Return to 07Final.pmd in Adobe PageMaker and choose File > Links1 Do one of the following: Manager.Macintosh Go to the Application menu Notice that there is a diamond symbolin the top right corner of your screen and (Macintosh) or an x (Windows) next tochoose Finder. Open the 07Lesson folder, 07Pants.tif. The diamond or x indicates thatand display the Save folder and the Links the file is stored outside the publication andfolder in separate windows. This makes that the external copy has been easier to move files around. This is because you replaced the file with aWindows Choose Start > Programs > file with a different modification date. In aWindows Explorer. Navigate to the production setting, this would happen if you07Lesson folder. updated the image and then saved it.2 Drag 07Tent2.tif from 07Lesson into There is also a question mark next tothe Links folder. 07Tent2.tif. This indicates that the file is noYou have moved the file, so the file location longer being stored at the location recordedrecorded in PageMaker is no longer true. when the file was placed. In a production setting, this would happen if the originalIn the following simulation, the file does not image was moved or renamed.change location, but you replace it with amore recent version, to simulate a file that is To the far right of both files is an upside-updated. down question mark. This lets you know that the file won’t print in high resolution,3 Drag 07Pants.tif from the 07Lesson folder either because the graphic is no longerinto the Save folder. Then drag the copy of07Pants.tif from the Links folder to the07Lesson folder. Be sure to begin by drag-ging the copy in the 07Lesson folder, not theone in the Links folder.232 LESSON 7 Recreational catalog stored where the link says it is, or it has been Updating a link updated and no longer matches the low-res- The pants graphic still has the same name olution preview you currently see in the and location, but you have simulated editing publication. the file in another application. If the graphic were stored outside PageMaker, you There are many other symbols that wouldn’t have to do anything; PageMaker can appear in this Links Manager dialog would automatically read the current ver- box. If you aren’t sure what symbols mean, sion of the file. This graphic is stored inside select an item and read the Status area at the publication, however, so you need to tell the bottom of the dialog box, or see the PageMaker to update its internal copy of the Adobe PageMaker 7.0 User Guide. file so that it is storing the latest version. ...