This article studies the dialectical relationship between architectural form and sustainable design solutions. The methods used in this paper include systematic and logical analysis methods, diagramming methods, and empirical research methods through the case study of the design of the Hanoi Childrens Palace – a construction that was recently completed in July 2024.
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Architectural morphology study towards sustainable design solutions (case study of Ha Noi childrens palace design)ISSN 1859-1531 - THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG - JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 22, NO. 11C, 2024 19 ARCHITECTURAL MORPHOLOGY STUDY TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DESIGN SOLUTIONS (CASE STUDY OF HA NOI CHILDRENS PALACE DESIGN) Doan Minh Khoi*, Doan Minh Thu, Doan Thanh Binh Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam *Corresponding author: (Received: September 07, 2024; Revised: September 27, 2024; Accepted: October 15, 2024) DOI: 10.31130/ud-jst.2024.549EAbstract - Researching building architectural morphology is one Although there has been no definitive summary of newof the important tasks of architectural design, not only referring types of architectural morphology, contemporaryto formal design but also related to factors affecting form such as architecture has presented a fresh, distinctive, and non-function organization, technical structure, technology repetitive appearance compared to previous morphologicalimplementation. Sustainable design is not only a current trend butalso a goal that designs should aim for in order to minimize styles. This is largely attributable to innovations inenvironmental impacts, save energy as well as to preserve and materials and construction techniques, but morepromote cultural values. This article studies the dialectical importantly, to the creative design thinking of architects.relationship between architectural form and sustainable design This new mindset has made contemporary architecturesolutions. The methods used in this paper include systematic and consistently innovative while remaining feasible andlogical analysis methods, diagramming methods, and empirical adaptable in a society facing constant transformationresearch methods through the case study of the design of the challenges, from physical spaces to the naturalHanoi Childrens Palace – a construction that was recently environment. While the 20th-century modern architecturecompleted in July 2024. focused heavily on technical functionality, the 21st-centuryKey words - Architectural form; Sustainable design; Hanoi contemporary architecture has stripped away the complexChildrens Palace. requirements of modernist architecture and instead emphasizes environmentally friendly features, energy1. Introduction efficiency, and embraces all creative architectural forms to Although the definition of “Architecture” has been express these qualities. These new design approaches areresearched on for centuries, the term Morphology only part of sustainable design.started to emerge from the early 20th century. Morphology Recently, the term sustainable design (SD) has beenis the science that studies the nature of Form, the science frequently mentioned in contemporary architecture. SDthat deals with consciousness itself, and the science of a focuses not only on greening the environment in terms ofpossible form. Initially, the term Morphology was only nature but also in terms of culture. Both of these aspectsused in the field of bioscience, but has now been are critically important. A building that is a product of SDincreasingly used in fields such as geography, architecture, must play a dual role. On one hand, it must reducephilosophy, and other disciplines [1]. greenhouse gas emissions, increase the absorption capacity The term urban morphology originated from the of greenery, and at the same time, it needs to create astudies of S. Muratori, specifically his iconic cultural and educational environment that fosters love formorphological study on Venice [2]. This research ones homeland and humanity. This means that SD is notintroduced a new perspective on the architectural only concerned with how it interacts with nature but alsocomposition of historic cities, emphasizing structural with human emotions [5].analysis as the foundation for theories and practices of In the relationship between architectural morphologyfunctionalist urban planning in the early 1970s. (AM) and sustainable design (SD), it can be asserted that AM Architectural morphology is the science that studies the in contemporary architecture is designed not only to meet theform of architecture, a specialized field that examines the functional and aesthetic aspects of 20th-century modernphysical shape of architectural spaces in relation to the role architecture but also to embody the two important aspects ofof humans in shaping them [3]. Several ideologies that SD as aforementioned. This research paper will delve intoinfluence architectural morphology often have cultural or analyzing the components of AM and the criteria that formphilosophical origins, including: Indigenous architecture, SD. From this, it will establish a bidirectional relationshipClassical architecture, Baroque architecture, Modernism, between AM and SD, illustrated through the design solutionPostmodernism, Deconstructionism, Brutalism, an ...