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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 10: Nature in danger (Reading) giúp học sinh cải thiện kỹ năng đọc hiểu qua nội dung các bài đọc về tầm quan trọng của môi trường thiên nhiên.
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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 10: Nature in danger (Reading)REMEMBER & NAME THESE PICTURES:REMEMBER & NAME THESE PICTURES: Tiger Lion Panda Elephant Bear Discussion:1/Wheredothesewildanimalslive?2/ Have the numbers of these wild animalsbecomelarger?3/Whyhavetheybecomesmaller?4/Whatmakesthembecomesmaller?Unit 10:NATUREINDANGER SectionA:Reading PRE -READING Unit 10: Nature in danger Reading. Vocabulary:1/ pollutant (n) smoke2/ extinct (adj)3/ endangered (adj) in danger of becoming dinosaurs extinct Exhaust fumes4/ interference (n)5/ decrease (v) ≠ increase (v)6/ prohibit (v) = ban (v) Theyareextinct Chemical wasteUnit 10: Nature in danger Reading. Vocabulary: 1/ pollutant (n): chất làm ô nhiễm 2/ extinct (adj): tuyệt chủng 3/ endangered (adj): có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng 4/ interference (n): sự can thiệp 5/ decrease (v): giảm 6/ prohibit (v): cấmUnit 10: Nature in dangerReading. Fill in each blank with a word above: pollutants decreasing protect interference extinct endangered extinct1- Dinosaurs became………………millions of years ago. protect2- She tried to……………..herself from the wind. decreasing3- This species of bird is……………… numbers every year. pollutants4- The chemical………………..from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty. endangered5- The blue whale is a(an)………………….species. interference6- Because of the………………….of human beings, many animals have become extinct. WHILE -READINGREADTHEPASSAGE,ANDTHENDOTHETASTTHAT FOLLOWUnit 10: Nature in danger Reading. Task 1: True or false statements: 1/ The human race and many other species T exist on this planet. 2/ Human beings are changing the environment F by destroying forests for agriculture. 3/ The number of rare animals are decreasing T so rapidly that they are endangered. 4/ To make sure that these rare animals do not disappear, the scientists have set up thousands F of national parks all over the world. 5/ Many species will survive and produce offspring because of people’s interference. FLucky 1number 2 Question 1 3 Question 2Lucky Lucky 4number 5 number 6 Question 3Unit 10: Nature in danger Reading. Task2:Answerthequestions:1.Whatarethefourwaysbywhichhumanbeingsarechangingtheworld? Fourwaysthatpeoplechangetheworldare: Theyarechangingtheenvironmentbybuildingcitiesandvillages. Theyareaffectingthewatersupplybyusingwaterforindustryandagriculture. Theyarechangingweatherconditionsbycuttingdowntreesintheforests. Theyaredestroyingtheairbyaddingpollutantslikesmokefromfactoriesand fumesfromcars.2.Whataretheseriousconsequencesofpeople’sinterferencewiththeenvironment? Theseriousconsequencesofpeople’sinterferencewiththeenvironmentare: Manykindsofrareanimalsarekilled. Theenvironmentwheretheseanimalsarelivingisbadlydestroyed. Thenumbersofrareanimalsaredecreasingsorapidlythattheyareindanger ofbecomingextinct.3.Whathasbeendonetoprotecttheenvironment? Manythingshavebeendonetoprotecttheendangerednature,suchas: Manyorganizationshavebeensetupandmoneyhasbeenraisedtosaverare animals. Thousandsofnationalparkshavebeenestablished. Lawshavebeenpassedtoprohibitkillingendangeredanimals.Task3:CircleA,B,CorDthatbestsumsupeachparagraph. 1. Paragraph1 A.Humanbeingsneedtogrowfood. B.Humanbeingspollutetheenvironment C.Humanbeingsinterferewithnature. D.Peopleshouldstoplivingincitiesandvillages. 2.Paragraph2 A.Manyanimalsaredisappearing. B.Humanbeingsareresponsibleforthechangesintheenvironment. C.Peopleareindangerofbecomingextinct. D.Thehumanraceisalsoanendangeredspecies. 3.Paragraph3 A.Humanbeingshavemadeeffortstoprotecttheenvironment. B.Scientistshavemadealonglistofendangeredspecies. ...