Thông tin tài liệu:
Khi mua một tài sản, bạn nên luôn luôn sử dụng các dịch vụ của một thanh tra để thực hiện một cuộc khảo sát toàn diện (để đảm bảo rằng tài sản đang trong tình trạng tốt, và rằng không có sửa chữa cần phải được thực hiện). Nó cũng rất cần thiết mà bạn sử dụng các dịch vụ của một luật sư tốt, những người sẽ thực hiện kiểm tra khác nhau của pháp luật về sở hữu.
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Check your English vocabulary book _5
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Legal matters 1 (page 24)
are signed.
When buying a property, you should always employ the 1. (b) The Home Secretary (although individual police
services of a good surveyor to carry out a thorough forces decide what sort of work they should do in a
survey (to make sure that the property is in good particular area). 2. forces. 3. Usually no. Some
condition, and that no repairs need to be made). It is also specially-trained officers carry guns (also called firearms) in
essential that you employ the services of a good solicitor, certain situations and in certain places (for example, areas
who will carry out various legal checks on the property. where there is a high risk of terrorist activity, such as at
airports or outside major government buildings). 4. 999
Accommodation can be rented from a local authority or 112 (but only in emergencies). This number can also be
(such as your local council). You will need to get your called if you need an ambulance, the fire service,
name on a waiting list known as a housing register. This mountain rescue, cave rescue or the coastguard. 5. Yes,
housing is allocated on a priority basis: people with the certain types of crime can be reported online (through the
greatest needs are allocated housing before anyone else police website 6. Yes to both.
(for example, people with young children, women who Penalties for carrying a (potentially) lethal weapon can
are expecting a baby, etc). result in a prison sentence. 7. Life / property /
disturbances (they must keep the peace) / crime. 8. Yes,
you can. Misconduct (= rudeness, abuse, racial or sexual
Accommodation can also be rented from housing
discrimination, etc) is taken very seriously. You can
associations. These are independent organisations that
complain in person or by writing to your local police
provide accommodation for people who need it. They do
station. Alternatively, you can write to the Chief
not make a profit. Many offer shared-ownership
Constable of the force involved, or contact the
schemes for people who want to own property but who
Independent Police Complaints Commission. 9. They can
cannot afford it.
stop you if you are on foot and search you if they think
that a crime has, or might / is going to, take place, or if
A lot of property is privately owned and rented out by
they think you are carrying a weapon, drugs, etc. They can
landlords. They often run their property through a
stop you in a vehicle at any time and search it. 10. You
letting agency, but many advertise their property
should give them your name and address, but you do not
themselves in newspapers. If you rent accommodation
have to give them any other information (although most
this way, you will be expected to sign a contract known as
people do if asked). 11. You can ask them for their
a lease (also called a tenancy agreement). In most cases,
name, the police station they work from, and the reason
you will be expected to pay a deposit (usually one