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Đề thi chứng chỉ mạng quốc tế CCNA – Cisco IOS Questions - Đề 3CCNA – Cisco IOS Questions 3Here you will find answers to Cisco IOS Questions – Part 3Note: If you are not sure about the boot sequence of a router/switch, please readmy Cisco Router Boot Sequence Tutorial.Question 1Refer to the exhibit. A router boots to the prompt shown in the exhibit. What does thissignify, and how should the network administrator respond?rommon 1>A. This prompt signifies that the configuration file was not found in NVRAM. Thenetwork administrator should follow the prompts to enter a basic configuration.B. The prompt signifies that the configuration file was not found in flash memory. Thenetwork administrator should use TFTP to transfer a configuration file to the router.C. The prompt signifies that the IOS image in flash memory is invalid or corrupted. Thenetwork administrator should use TFTP to transfer an IOS image to the router.D. The prompt signifies that the router could not authenticate the user. The networkadministrator should modify the IOS image and reboot the router.Answer: CExplanationIf a Cisco router boots in ROMmon mode, it means:+ The value of the configuration register is set to XXX0 (the boot field – fourth bit – is 0)+ The router is unable to locate a valid Cisco IOS software image (you can use the “dirflash:” command in ROMmon mode to look for the IOS in the Flash then try to boot thatflash with the “boot flash:” command).If the IOS image is invalid or corrupted, the fastest way to re-install a new Cisco IOSsoftware image on the router is to copy a new one from TFTP (with “tftpdnld”command).Question 2What should be done prior to backing up an IOS image to a TFTP server? (Choose three)A. Make sure that the server can be reached across the network.B. Check that authentication for TFTP access to the server is set.C. Assure that the network server has adequate space for the IOS image.D. Verify file naming and path requirements.E. Make sure that the server can store binary files.F. Adjust the TCP window size to speed up the transfer.Answer: A C DQuestion 3Which two privileged mode cisco ios commands can be used to determine a cisco routerchassis serial number? (choose two)A. show inventoryB. show flash filesysC. dir flash:|include chassisD. show diagE. show controllersAnswer: A DQuestion 4Which command helps a network administrator to manage memory by displaying flashmemory and NVRAM utilization?A. show secureB. show file systemsC. show flashD. show versionAnswer: BQuestion 5A network administrator changes the configuration register to 0×2142 and reboots therouter. What are two results of making this change? (Choose two)A. The IOS image will be ignored.B. The router will prompt to enter initial configuration mode.C. The router will boot to ROM.D. Any configuration entries in NVRAM will be ignored.E. The configuration in flash memory will be booted.Answer: B DExplanationThe router bypasses the startup configuration stored in NVRAM during its boot sequenceso the router will enter initial configuration mode. This feature is normally used during apassword recovery procedure.Question 6Refer to the exhibit. For what two reasons has the router loaded its IOS image from thelocation that is shown? (Choose two)Router1> show versionCisco Internetwork Operating System SoftwareIOS ™ 7200 Software (C7200-J-M), Experimental Version 11.3tl997091S:1647S2)[hampton-nitro-baseline 249]Copyright (c) 1986-1997 by cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Wed 08-0ct-97 06:39 by hamptonImage text-base: 0×60008900, data-base: 0x60B98000ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(11855) [beta 2], INTERIM SOFTWAREBOOTPLASH: 7200 Software (C7200-BOOT-M), Version 11.1(472), RELEASESOFTWARE (fcl)Router1 uptime is 23 hours, 33 minutesSystem restarted by abort at PC 0x6022322C at 10:50:SS PDT Tue Oct 21 1997System image file is “tftp://”cisco 7206 (NPE150) processor with 57344K/8192K bytes of memory.Configuration register is 0×2102A. Router1 has specific boot system command that instruct it to load IOS from TFTPserver.B. Router1 is acting as a TFTP server for other routers.C. Router1 cannot locate a valid IOS image in flash memory.D. Router1 defaulted to ROMMON mode and loaded the IOS image from a TFTP sewer.E. Cisco routers will first attempt to load a image from TFTP for management purposes.Answer: A CExplanationWhen powered on, the router first checks its hardware via Power-On Self Test (POST).Then it checks the configuration register to identify where to load the IOS image from. Inthe output above we learn that the Configuration register value is 0×2102 so the routerwill try to boot the system image from Flash memory first.But we also see a line “System image file is “tftp://”. Please notice that this line tells us the image file tha ...