Đề thi KSCL lần 4 môn tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2018 - THPT Nguyễn Viết Xuân - Mã đề 104
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Đề thi KSCL lần 4 môn tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2018 - THPT Nguyễn Viết Xuân - Mã đề 104 SỞGD&ĐTVĨNHPHÚC ĐỀKHẢOSÁTCHẤTLƯỢNGLẦN4TRƯỜNGTHPTNGUYỄNVIẾTXUÂN Nămhọc20172018 Môn:TiếngAnh11 MÃĐỀ:104 Thờigianlàmbài:60phút (Đềthigồm04trang) (khôngkểthờigiangiaođề)Họ,tênthísinh:..........................................................................Sốbáodanh:...............................................................................MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethesentencethatbestcombineseachpairof sentencesinthefollowingquestionsfrom1to2.Câu1:Hisspeechwasboring.Everyonegotupandleft. A.Hisspeechwasinterestingenoughforeveryonetolisten. B.Everyonestoodupsothattheycouldhearhisspeech. C.Noonestayedtolistentohimbecausehisspeechwassoboring. D.Hegotupandleftbecauseeveryonewastalking.Câu2:Hecannotlendmethebooknow.Hehasnotfinishedreadingityet. A.Aslongashecannotfinishingreadingthebook,hewilllendittome. B.Nothavingfinishedreadingthebook,hewilllendittome. C.Hecannotlendmethebookuntilhehasfinishedreadingit. D.Havingfinishedreadingthebook,hecannotlendittome.MarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectanswertoeachofthefollowing questionsfrom3to14.Câu3:Ifyoufreezewater,it______intoice. A.willturn B.isturning C.wouldturn D.turnsCâu4:Theconcertdidn’tcome______ourexpectations. A.upto B.upwith C.upagainst D.roundCâu5:Alcoholabuseisaproblemthatcanleadtoillhealth,lossofemploymentand______. A.thefamilyisbrokenup B.thebreakupofone’sfamily C.one’sfamilycanbreakup D.breakingupone’sfamilyCâu6:Ithinkyou’veseenthispicturebefore,______? A.don’tyou B.haveyou C.doyou D.haven’tyouCâu7:Out______forawalkaftershefinisheddoingherhomework. A.Marywent B.wentMary C.didMarygo D.MarydidgoCâu8:Thelastman______theofficeisalwaysMr.Smith. A.leaves B.left C.toleave D.tobeleavingCâu9:Manydoctorsrecommend______asawaytorelievestress. A.calmness B.thinking C.silence D.meditationCâu10: Theacidinnonstickpansisassociatedwithbirthanddevelopmental defects,______systemproblems,andcancer. A.immune B.immunized C.immunity D.immunizationCâu11:Itmustbetrue.Ihearditstraightfromthe_____mouth. A.camel’s B.cat’s C.dog’s D.horse’sCâu12:Thecaptainaswellasthepassengers______veryfrightenedbythestrangenoise. A.was B.were C.is D.havebeen Trang1/5Mãđềthi104Câu13:Alice’syogainstructor______herpractisingthoserelaxationtechniqueseverydaytoimproveherhealth. A.reminded B.advised C.told D.insistedonCâu 14: The dietitian explained that if people ______ a diet high in cholesterol, they are at risk ofdevelopingheartproblems. A.wereeating B.eat C.ate D.willeatReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrect answertoeachofthequestionsfrom15to21. AsheartdiseasecontinuestobethenumberonekillerintheUnitedStates,researchershavebecomeincreasinglyinterestedinidentifyingthepotentialriskfactorsthattriggerheartattacks.Highfatdietsand“life in the fast lane” have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. Butaccordingtonewstudies,thelistofriskfactorsmaybesignificantlylongerandquitesurprising. Heartfailure,forexample,appearstohaveseasonalandtemporalpatterns.Ahigherpercentageofheartattacksoccurincoldweather,andmorepeopleexperienceheartfailureonMondaythanonanyotherdayoftheweek.Inaddition,peoplearemoresusceptibletoheartattacksinthefirstfewhoursafterwaking.Cardiologistsfirstobservedthismorningphenomenoninthemid1980,andhavesincediscoveredanumberofpossiblecauses.Anearlymorningriseinbloodpressure,heartrate,andconcentrationofheartstimulating hormones,plusareductionofbloodflowtotheheart,mayallcontributetothehigherincidenceofheartattacksbetweenthehoursof8:00A.M.and10:00A.M. Inotherstudies,bothbirthdays andbachelorhoodhavebeenimplicatedasriskfactors.Statisticsrevealthatheartattackratesincreasesignificantlyforbothfemalesandmalesinthefewdaysimmediatelyprecedingandfollowingtheirbirthdays.Andunmarriedmenaremoreatriskforheartattacksthantheirmarriedcounterparts.Thoughstressistho ...
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