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Tham khảo tài liệu đề thi tham khảo anh văn 12 – số 1, tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO ANH VĂN 12 – SỐ 1 Đ Ề THI THAM KHẢO ANH VĂN 12 – S Ố 1Q U ESTIONS 1 — 5 : C hoose one option A , B,C or D c orresponding to the w ord w hose main stress iso n the syllable in the positi on which is different f rom t hat of the others. Identify your choice byc ircling letter A, B , C or D on answer sheet. 1 . A. kingdom B. mountain C. begin D . passage 2 . A . eternal B. calendar C . dinosaur D . history 3 . A. document B. develop C . opponent D . astonish 4 . A. arrive B. before C . imply D . countless 5 . A. definit ion B. humidity C . necessity D . incredibleQ U ESTIONS 6 — 3 5: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A , B, C or D a s y our b est choice toc omplete each sentence and then identify your answer by -ling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.6. Although still underwater, Loihi Seamount, the newest Hawaiian island, _____ closer to the surface by prequent volcanic eruptions that add layers of lava to the island. A . brought B. to be brought C . being brought D. is being brought7 . Hiram Revels, the first black member of the United States Senate, served a s senator for Mississippi, an office ________he was elected in 1870. A . which B. in which C . and which D. being which8 . When World War I broke out in 1914, The Becton Dickinson Company i mporting German elastic bandages and started making them in the USA. A . had stopped B . h a d t o st op C. stopped D. was stopped9 . __ ___ __ t h e In t er n et ’s s p e ed a n d e ffi ci en c y i n s en di n g m a i l e l e ct r on i ca l l y r a t h er t h an byt r a n sp or t i n g i t h a s be c om e m or e p op ul a r a m on g you n g p e op l e t h a n tr a di t i n a l m a i l . A. Sin ce B . A s a c on s eq u en c e C. Howe ve r D . Be ca us e of1 0. Some ma chines produced large numbers of i nterchangeabl e parts that _ ____ effi ciently with the interchangeable parts system of the great inventor Eli Whitney. A . could be used B. used C . used to D. could have used1 1. In 1948, the United States Secretary of States Dean Acheson _ ______ t h e Mar shal l Plan t o ai d th e e c on om i c r ecover y of E ur ope a ft er th e Second World War. A . begin to carry out B. began carrying out C . beginning and carrying out D. to have begun carrying out1 2. The worlds deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees mountains, is a lmost three t imes as deep _______ . A. as the Empire State Building is B. that the Empire State Building is higher C. is higher than the Empire State Building D. and the Empire State Buildings height1 3. The purpose of phonetics is _______ a n inventory and a des cription of the sounds found in speech. A . to provide B. provided C . provide D. being provided1 4. Color and light, taken together, ___the aesthetic impact of the i nterior of a building. A . very powerfully influence B. very influence powerfully C . powerfully very influence D. influence powerfully very1 5. Al th ough thunder an d li ghtning ar e pr oduced a t th e sam e tim e, li ght waves travel faster _____ s o we s ee t he lightning before we h ear the thun der. A. than sound waves do B. t han sound waves C . do sound waves D . sound waves.1 6. Th e Un i t ed St at es Con gr ess a ppr opri a t es som e four m i l li on dol l ar s _____ the upkeep of the WhiteHouse grounds. A . year for a B. for a year C . a year for D. a for year17. The English colonization of Virginia was devised in 1606 by a group of m erchants __________ t he VirginiaC ompany of London. A . who formed B. they formed C . whom formed D. what formed1 8. A hockey player rushing up the ice, traveling a t more than twenty - five m il es per h our and slapping ap uck at m or e than 125 mil es per hour, m akes the sport _ _____than many other ports. A . is more dangerous B. more than dangerous C . more dangerous D. as more dangerous1 9. A few animals sometimes fool t heir enemies _______ t o be dead. A. h ave been appearing B. t o appear C. by appearing D. t ...