Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anhgiúp cho các các bạn học sinh củng cố kiến thức vềmôn Tiếng Anh10. Đặc biệt, thông qua việc giải những bài tập trong đề thi này sẽ giúp các các bạn biết được những kiến thức mình còn yếu để có sự đầu tư phù hợp nhằm nâng cao kiến thức về khía cạnh đó.
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Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh k× thi tuyÓn sinh vµo líp 10 thpt n¨m häc: 2014-2015. M«n: Anh v¨n Thêi gian : 60 phót (Kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao nhËn ®Ò)I . Which of these words are pronounced in different ways to other words?(1.5m) 1. A. Wanted B. completed C. looked D.needed 2. A . the B. this C. mother D.think 3. A. can B. celebrate C. call D.cold 4. A. invite B. decide C. site D.Visit 5. A. blew B. threw C. flew D.dewII. Choose the best answer. (3m) 1. My mother showed me how ( to make/ making/ make/ made) clothes 2. Life in the city is different (to/ of/ from/ with) life in the country. 3. We ( has been/ have been/ was / were) friends for 5 years. 4. You can use computer, ( do you/ don’t you/ can you/ can’t you) ?. 5. She asked me ( where do I live/ where I live/ where I lived/ where I am living). 6. They always do their work (care/ careful/ carefully/ careless). 7. The typhoon may damage the pipes (which/ who/ where/ whom) supply our home. 8. How about (go/ to go/ going/ went) fishing. 9. A bakery is a place ( who/ which/ when/ where) bread is sold. 10. A tropical storm called a ( hurricane/ cyclone/ typhoon/ tornado) in Australia. 11. On Tet holidays, family members who live( apart/ again/ far/ alone) try to be together 12. Today Jeans are ( famous/ popular/ traditional / wide) all over the world. 13. What subjects are you good ( at/ in/ on/ about) 14. This is the man ( whose/ who/ where/ why) helps me a lots in study. 15. (have you write/ did you write/ have you written/ do you write) a letter to Mai yet?III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. (1.5) 1. We like living herebecausethepeopleare………….(friend) 2. Tetisthemostimportant……………………forVietnamese.(celebrate) 3. Inbigcities,thestreetsare…………….withpeopleandvehicles.(crowd) 4. Ourteachergiveus………….onhowtoimproveourEnglish.(advice) 5. Whatisyour………………Televisionprogram?(favor)IV.Rewritethesentencethatithasthethesamemeaningasthefirst.(2m) 1. Theredshirtismoreexpensivethantheblueone. Theblueshirtisn’t………………………………………………………… 2.Whydon’twegotothecinema? Whatabout………………………………………………………………… 3. Youmustreturnthisbooktothelibrary. Thisbook…………………………………………………………………. 4. “Pleasedon’ttalkinclass”Namtoldus. Namtoldus………………………………………………………………. 5. Wespentthreehoursrepairingthisroom. Ittook……………………………………………………………………. V. Read the passage carefully and then answer the question (2m) Environmentalpollutionisoneofthemostseriousproblemsfacingpeopletoday. Air,waterandsoilarenecessarytothesurvivaltoalllivingthings.Badlypolluted aircancauseillnessandevendeath.Pollutedwaterkilledmanykindsofwild animalsandmarinelife.Pollutionofsoilreducestheamountoflandforgrowing food. Questions: 1.Whatisthemostimportantproblemofpeoplenowadays? 2.Whatkindsofpollutionarementionedinthispassage? 3.Whydomanykindsofwildanimalsandmarinelifedie? 4.Doesthepollutionofsoilreducetheamountoflandforgrowingfood?