Tham khảo tài liệu 'dictionary of slang and unconventional english', ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng viết tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
dictionary of slang and unconventional english
firebug | fish 252
f irebug noun 1 an arsonist; a person with a pathological love of fire first aid noun 1 a blade (as a weapon); a razor blade. Rhyming slang;
US, 1872. 2 in poker, a player who bets and plays in a reckless thought to be inspired by the catchphrase threat: ‘Can your wife
[or mum] do first aid? Well get her to stitch this up’ UK, 1992. 2 a
fashion US, 1996
small shop that sells, amongst other commodities, patent medi-
fireburner noun a zealot US, 1972
cines BARBADOS, 1965
firecan noun a type of radar system in a military aircraft US, 1999
first aid kit; first aid noun the female breast. Rhyming slang for
firecracker noun a secret fragmentation artillery shell used on an TIT; usually plural UK, 1992
experimental basis in Vietnam. The formal name was Controlled
first base noun 1 in teenage categorisation of sexual activity, a level
Fragmentation Munition, or CoFraM US, 1991
of foreplay, most commonly referring to kissing. The exact degree
fired adjective excited, eager, sexually aroused US, 1968 varies by region and even by school US, 1928. 2 in blackjack played
in American casinos, the seat immediately to the dealer’s left US,
fired up adjective enthusiastic, 1999
fire-eater noun a ferociously brave person US, 1808
first cab off the rank noun the first in a series AUSTRALIA, 1966
fire engine noun corned beef served in a tomato sauce over white
first call noun in Antarctica, the first ship to arrive at the South Pole
rice BAHAMAS, 1982
each season ANTARCTICA, 2003
firefighter cute adjective describes an attractive young man.
first class adjective extremely good UK, 1879
Teenspeak, post-11th September 2001 — the day firefighters
first dollar noun in television and film-making, the first money gen-
became ‘American heroes’ US, 2002
erated after release US, 1990
firefly noun a helicopter equipped with a powerful search light,
first drop noun in cricket, the 3rd position in the order of batting UK,
usually teamed with several gunships in the Vietnam war US, 1991
fire in the hole! 1 used as a warning that an explosive is about to
First Fleeter noun a person, or a descendant of a person, who
be detonated US, 1986. 2 in the illegal production of alcohol, used as
arrived on the first fleet of ships to bring British colonists to
a warning of approaching law enforcement officials US, 1974
Australia in 1788. A great deal of pride is associated with this
fire into verb to approach with an intent to seduce UK, 1995 lineage in Australia AUSTRALIA, 1826
fireless cooker noun a gas chamber US, 1962 first horse nickname the First Cavalry Division, US Army US, 1968
fireman noun in a group smoking marijuana from a pipe, the first Louie noun a first lieutenant US, 1991
second person to smoke SOUTH AFRICA, 2004
first off adverb as a beginning US, 1880
fireman’s noun horse races. Rhyming slang, from ‘fireman’s braces’
first-of-May noun 1 an inexperienced worker. A circus word, based
on the start of the circus season US, 1961. 2 a newcomer to a circus
fireman’s hose; fireman’s noun the nose. Rhyming slang UK, 1992 or carnival US, 1926
fire on verb 1 to excite sexually US, 1969. to punch someone US, 1973
2 First of the First noun the First Battalion of the First Regiment, US
Marine Corps. Korean war usage US, 1982
fire pie noun a red-headed woman’s pubic hair and vulva US, 2003
first pig noun a first sergeant, the most senior non-commissioned
fireplace noun in hot rodding, the grille on the front of a car US, 1958
officer in the US Army US, 1975
fireproof adjective invulne ...