Ebook "Phishing - Cutting the identity theft line" includes content: Phishing for phun and profit, bait and switch - phishing emails; false fronts - phishing websites; are you owned understanding phishing spyware; gloom and doom: you can’t stop phishing completely; helping your organization avoid phishing; fighting back - how your organization can respond to attacks; avoiding the hook - consumer education; help i’m a phish consumer response
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Ebook Phishing - Cutting the identity theft line
Cutting the Identity
Theft Line
Rachael Lininger and
Russell Dean Vines
Cutting the Identity
Theft Line
Cutting the Identity
Theft Line
Rachael Lininger and
Russell Dean Vines
Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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ISBN 13: 978-07645-8498-5
ISBN 10: 0-7645-8498-7
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For Laura. Because. —RML
To Elzy —RDV
About the Authors
Rachael Lininger works as a technical writer in the information security
department of a major U.S. financial institution. She has documented too
many phishing cases to count. While writing this book, Rachael has become
increasingly paranoid and expects to soon change her name, move to a remote
island nation, and build a house out of tinfoil.
Rachael was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and now lives in Minneapolis, Min-
nesota. She is not, however, pining for the fjords.
Russell Dean Vines, CISSP, CISM, Security +, CCNA, MCSE, and MCNE, is
president and founder of The RDV Group Inc. (www.rdvgroup.com), a New
York–based security consulting services firm. He has been active in the pre-
vention, detection, and remediation of security vulnerabilities for interna-
tional corporations, including government, finance, and new media
organizations, for many years. Mr. Vines is a specialist in cyber-counterterror-
ism, recently focusing on energy and telecommunications vulnerabilities in
New York State.
He holds high-level certifications in Cisco, 3Com, Ascend, Microsoft, and
Novell technologies and is trained in the National Security Agency’s ISSO
Information Assessment Methodology. He has headed computer security
departments and managed worldwide information systems networks for
prominent technology, entertainment, and nonprofit corporations based in
New York. He is the author of six bestselling information system security pub-
lications, and is a consulting editor for John Wiley and Sons for its information
security book series.
Mr. Vines’ early professional years were illuminated not by the flicker of a
computer monitor but by the bright lights of Nevada casino show rooms. After
receiving a Down Beat magazine scholarship to Boston’s Berklee College of
viii About the Authors
Music, he performed as a sideman for a variety of well-known entertainers,
including George Benson, John Denver, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin.
Mr. Vines composed and arranged hundreds of pieces of jazz and contempo-
rary music recorded and performed by his own big band and others. He also
founded and managed a scholastic music publishing company an ...