Thông tin tài liệu:
Ebook "SQL Injection attacks and defense" includes content: What is SQL injection; testing for SQL injection, reviewing code for SQL injection, exploiting SQL injection, blind SQL injection exploitation, exploiting the operating system, advanced topics, code-level defenses, platform level defenses, confirming and Recovering from SQL injection attacks, references.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Ebook SQL Injection attacks and defense (2/E)
SQL Injection Attacks and Defense
Second Edition
Justin Clarke
Table of Contents
Cover image
Title page
Contributing Authors
Lead Author and Technical
Introduction to the 2nd Edition
Chapter 1. What Is SQL Injection?
Understanding How Web Applications Work
Understanding SQL Injection
Understanding How It Happens
Solutions Fast Track
Chapter 2. Testing for SQL Injection
Finding SQL Injection
Confirming SQL Injection
Automating SQL Injection Discovery
Solutions Fast Track
Chapter 3. Reviewing Code for SQL Injection
Reviewing source code for SQL injection
Automated source code review
Solutions fast track
Chapter 4. Exploiting SQL injection
Understanding common exploit techniques
Identifying the database
Extracting data through UNION statements
Using conditional statements
Enumerating the database schema
Injecting into “INSERT” queries
Escalating privileges
Stealing the password hashes
Out-of-band communication
SQL injection on mobile devices
Automating SQL injection exploitation
Solutions Fast Track
Chapter 5. Blind SQL Injection Exploitation
Finding and confirming blind SQL injection
Using time-based techniques
Using Response-Based Techniques
Using Alternative Channels
Automating blind SQL injection exploitation
Solutions fast track
Chapter 6. Exploiting the operating system
Accessing the file system
Executing operating system commands
Consolidating access
Solutions fast track
Chapter 7. Advanced topics
Evading input filters
Exploiting second-order SQL injection
Exploiting client-side SQL injection
Using hybrid attacks
Solutions fast track
Chapter 8. Code-level defenses
Domain Driven Security
Using parameterized statements
Validating input
Encoding output
Design Techniques to Avoid the Dangers of SQL Injection
Solutions fast track
Chapter 9. Platform level defenses
Using runtime protection
Securing the database
Additional deployment considerations
Solutions fast track
Chapter 10. Confirming and Recovering from SQL Injection Attacks
Investigating a suspected SQL injection attack
So, you’re a victim—now what?
Solutions fast track
Chapter 11. References
Structured query language (SQL) primer
SQL injection quick reference
Bypassing input validation filters
Troubleshooting SQL injection attacks
SQL injection on other platforms
Solutions fast track
Acquiring Editor: Chris Katsaropolous
Development Editor: Heather Scherer
Project Manager: Jessica Vaughan
Designer: Russell Purdy
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ISBN: 978-1-59749-963-7
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Justin would like to thank the Syngress editing team (and especially Chris Katsaropoulos and
Heather Scherer) for once again being willing to take on a book which (in the publishing
industry) has a ridiculous number of authors involved. He’d also like to thank, in his role as
chief cat-herder, the author team for all pulling together to get this project completed.
Justin would like to dedicate this book to his daughter Adena for being a continual delight to
Dave would like to expre ...