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An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different packing and storage conditions on vase life of cut carnation cv. Kiro. The flowers packed in polypropylene at 5°C cold storage under wet condition recorded significantly highest total chlorophyll content of leaf (78.98 SPAD unit), highest total chlorophyll content of calyx (38.00 SPAD unit) and lowest ethylene estimation (0.27 ppm/h) which have extended the vase life period of carnation flower cv. Kiro.
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Effect of different packing and storage conditions on biochemical parameters in extending the vase life of cut carnation cv. Kiro Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 1348-1355 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 08 (2018) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Effect of Different Packing and Storage Conditions on Biochemical Parameters in Extending the Vase Life of Cut Carnation cv. Kiro P. Pranuthi, T. Suseela, D.V. Swami*, D.R. Salomi Suneetha and V. Sudha Vani Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari dist. (Andhra Pradesh), India *Corresponding author ABSTRACTKeywordsCarnation, Packing, An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different packing andStorage conditions,Chlorophyll content and storage conditions on vase life of cut carnation cv. Kiro. The flowersethylene estimation packed in polypropylene at 5°C cold storage under wet condition recordedArticle Info significantly highest total chlorophyll content of leaf (78.98 SPAD unit), highest total chlorophyll content of calyx (38.00 SPAD unit) and lowestAccepted:10 July 2018 ethylene estimation (0.27 ppm/h) which have extended the vase life periodAvailable Online: of carnation flower cv. Kiro.10 August 2018Introduction Post-harvest life of cut flowers also depends upon efficient packaging and storage.Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) belongs Appropriate packaging of cut flowers togetherto the family caryophyllaceae and native to with pulsing are helpful to ensure fresh qualityMediterranean region. Carnation is one among of flowers. Packing is a tool for controllingthe top five cut flowers in the world and in flower quality in the distribution chain. ApartIndia (Singh, 2006). The beauty of the cut from preventing mechanical damage, theflowers lies with the freshness of the flowers package serves as a barrier between thefor longer time without post-harvest losses. conditions inside and outside the package. It protects the flowers from unfavorable outsideIt is claimed that 70 per cent of the potential conditions and enables a micro-climate toquality of cut flowers is pre-determined at develop inside the package (Lavanya et al.,harvest, whereas the remaining 30 per cent is 2016). Packaging must ensure protection ofinfluenced by post-harvest factors. All along flowers against flower damage, water loss andthe marketing channel, there is enormous loss external conditions, which are detrimental toin value of cut flowers which could be of 50 flowers in transit (Sivaswamy et al., 1999).per cent of farm value (Bhattacharjee, 1999). Storage at low temperature under wet 1348 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(8): 1348-1355conditions results in low metabolic activities of 5°C (Dry storage), T18-P3S4: Cellophanelike respiration, transpiration and maintains paper + Cold storage of 5°C (Dry storage),high humidity and increased cell turgidity and T19-P4S4: Polypropylene + Cold storage ofcell enlargement there by keeping the flower 5°C (Dry storage), T20-P5S4: Control (open) +quality and increased vase life (Halevy and Cold storage of 5°C (Dry storage). TheMayak, 1981). flowers were kept under dry and wet conditions under both cold storage at 5°C asMaterials and Methods well as ambient temperature (22±2°C) by wrapping with different packing materials tillThe experiment was held at laboratory of the end of vase life period. For physical,Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, physiological, biochemical and microbialCollege of Horticulture, Dr. Y.S.R. studies, same treatments wer ...