Thông tin tài liệu:
This book covers the methodwhere engineering procedure writers write their own policies, departmentalinstructions and engineering procedures and obtain approval from theDocument Review Board (Ch. 5) and releases them into engineeringdocument control. Engineering document control publishes the manuals anddistributes them to end-users.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Engineering Procedure Writing Group2Engineering ProcedureWriting Group This chapter covers the method of setting up a new engineeringprocedure writing group and the steps that all procedures go through, andhow to write procedures. New companies starting an engineering proce-dure writing effort from scratch will need to include procedure writers inthe technical writing group (see Fig. 2.1). This book covers the methodwhere engineering procedure writers write their own policies, departmentalinstructions and engineering procedures and obtain approval from theDocument Review Board (Ch. 5) and releases them into engineeringdocument control. Engineering document control publishes the manuals anddistributes them to end-users. The engineering procedure writers performall of the subsequent changes to the policies, departmental instructions andengineering procedures and distribute changed pages to end-users to beinserted into their manuals. In larger companies, the procedure writers report to corporatecommunications. With this method, a department outside of engineeringwrites all of the procedures and releases them into document control wherethey are copied and distributed. 10 Engineering Procedure Writing Group 11 E n g in eerin g D ep artm en t O rg an iz ation R es earch E n g in eerin g D esig n Tec h n ic al C h an g e D oc u m en t an d A n alys is E n g in eerin g W ritin g C on trol C on trolD evelop m en t D raftin g Tec h n ic al E n g in eerin g M an u al P roc ed u re W riters W ritersFigure 2.1. Engineering procedure writers. First, you will need to determine your reason for creating anengineering procedure writing group. Following are some examples: • You need to document the engineering department’s operating methods • You need to re-engineer your existing engineering documentation system Why document the engineering documentation system in the firstplace? Here are some good reasons why: • Customer contracts • Government regulations • It’s a good idea2.1.0 HOW TO ESTABLISH AN ENGINEERING PROCEDURE WRITING GROUP Send out a memo (Fig. 2.2) that explains the function of theprocedure writing group.12 Developing and Managing Engineering Procedures MEMO To: From: Subject: Engineering Procedures Writing Group Formation In a endeavor to have every engineering department em- ployee follow a standard common reference system, and to give direction to employees concerning their unique engineering func- tion, policies, departmental instructions, and engineering procedures are going to be developed and implemented. Technical writing has been assigned the responsibility of organizing and implementing the following publications: Policy Manual Departmental Instruction Manual Engineering Procedures Manual The manuals will contain information necessary to provide uniformity, standardize definitions, and clarify department responsibilities. The manuals will designate forms or documents to be utilized when necessary and state procedural steps to be fol- lowed to assure consistency of action and effect overall coordina- tion. Manual sections will be released as they are approved eventually resulting in complete manual that will be used throughout the company. To release sections of these manuals, individuals who have expertise in certain areas will be asked to provide input. Distribution:Figure 2.2. Engineering procedure writing group memo. Engineering Procedure Writing Group 132.1.1 Kick-off Meeting Memo MEMO To: From: Subject: Kick-off Meeting There will be a kick-off meeting for the formation of a new Engineering Procedures Writing Group and the Document Review Board that will review and approve all documentation. We will be discussing how the Document Review Board will ...