Evaluating the steps of building the organizational structure by supply chain performance measurement and productivity: A case of the general directorate of vocational education
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Evaluating the steps of building the organizational structure by supply chain performance measurement and productivity: A case of the general directorate of vocational education 535Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2019 Evaluating the Steps of Building the Organizational Structure by Supply ChainPerformance measurement and productivity: ACase of the General Directorate of Vocational Education Aymen Hadi Talib 1, Hind Abdul Ameer Ahmed 2, Ameer Jawad Kadhim Al-msary 3 1 General Directorate of Vocational Education (GDVE)in the Ministry of Education Iraq 2 Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Babylon 3 AL- Furat AL-Awsat Technical University , Technical Collage Al- Mussaib 1 aymentalib@vocational.edu.iq 2 hi2013nd@gmail.com 3 ameeralmssary@yahoo.comAbstract- Proper supply chain performance plays a efficiency and appropriate expertise by thecrucial role in the success of the organization. directorate. Lastly, a number of recommendationsTherefore, it is essential to use an appropriate supply based on the results of the study are presented to thechain performance assessment system to continuously organizations. The study equally outlined the purposeimprove it. The purpose of this research is to analyze to involve employees at various administrative levels insupply chain performance according to the operational the executive levels of the goal setting process and thereference model of supply chain. Organizational importance of establishing clear organizationalstructure is one of the fundamental issues and relationship between employees at differentimportant themes for organizational business as administrative levels (Unit, Division and Department).technological developments, increased competitionand continuous change are the rudiments of the Keywords: Organizational Structure, Supply Chaincontemporary business environment. Several Performance, productivity, Directorate General forquestions from the expression of the problem of Vocational Educationresearch provoked the necessity of the study. Toidentify the reality of the organizational structure in 1. Introductionthe Directorate General of Vocational Education andthe steps needed to be followed are the objectives of Taking strategic decisions in supply chainthis study. The population of the study is selected from management is a framework that needs a frameworka group of departmental managers and various to meet industry standards. If the model is notadministrative levels of the divisions in the appropriate in this regard, supply chain managementorganization are surveyed. The main tool for data cannot provide appropriate factors for the propercollection is questionnaire while only 31 responses are assessment of its activities. To this end,realized from the distribution. A set of statisticalmethods were used to analyse answers in order to organizations should consider a model for solvingreach final results of the study. The study concluded their day-to-day problems, which can, with that inthat effective communication plays an important role mind, be the most effective in content analysis withbetween the various administrative levels for the least conflict. Therefore, to assess the supply chainpurpose of achieving the objective of the organization. performance, research is needed to identify theSimilarly, the study expresses the importance of important dimensions for the operational efficiencypreparing detailed lists and clear tasks of the work of of supply chains in areas such as employee skillsthe Directorate. The task can be performed efficiently development, responsiveness to the market, thedue to possession of human resources with high introduction of new products, flexibility and______________________________________________________________ customer satisfaction, their evaluation. In todaysInternational Journal of Supply Chain Management highly competitive world, the organizational successIJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print) depends on its ability to keep up with the constantCopyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (http://excelingtech.co.uk/) changes in the environment where it operates. 536Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2018Organizations are then required to have accumulated objectives and primary purpose of building anexpertise, capabilities, resources and skills to sustain organization.the changes in the external and internalenvironment. The best pe ...
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Supply chain management Organizational structure Supply chain performance Directorate general for vocational education Vocational education The general directorateGợi ý tài liệu liên quan:
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