Thông tin tài liệu:
What to put into the drawing 2. How to arrange the elements in the drawing These two major decisions are the foundation of composition. From an artistic standpoint, composition means the arrangement or design of a picture. It is the process of selecting what to draw and then deciding how to draw it. In the last chapter, we covered posing the figure, which is an element of composition but does not take into account the rest of the picture area.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Figure Drawing - CompostionC H A P T E R 6 ✎ CompositionT here are two basic decisions that an artist has to make with regard to figure drawing.1. What to put into the drawing2. How to arrange the elements in the drawingThese two major decisions are the foundation of composition. From an artis-tic standpoint, composition means the arrangement or design of a picture. Itis the process of selecting what to draw and then deciding how to draw it. Inthe last chapter, we covered posing the figure, which is an element of compo-sition but does not take into account the rest of the picture area. 99Figure Drawing with Virtual ModelsThe Picture schedule, organizing a picture is understandable if you know a few mistakes in the work we turned in for our assignments in the class.Plane fundamental principles. He was more interested in whether we had anything to say. In otherWhether you are drawing with a ✎ Purpose words, he wanted us to do what Ipencil on a piece of paper or using ✎ Placement call meaningful writing: He wanteda digitizing pad and stylus on a our work to mean something. Hiscomputer to create your figure ✎ Balance feeling was that he would ratherdrawing, you are working in what ✎ Focal points see a meaningful paper with a fewis called a two-dimensional medium. ✎ Pathways mechanical errors than a well-In other words, the drawing sits on crafted paper of meaningless prose.a flat surface. This flat surface is In many ways, organizing a picturecalled the picture plane. Another is similar to organizing your daily That day the professor opened up away to think of it is that if you schedule. First you have to lay out new dimension in my thoughtswere to frame your drawing, the the reason or purpose for the about writing. In many of my pre-area inside the frame and mat planned tasks. Next you have to vious English classes, I was sowould be the picture plane. place the tasks within the available stressed over getting the spelling time. Each task has to be balanced right or trying to decipher the mys-To be good at composing your with all of the other tasks and obli- teries of English grammar that Idrawings, you need to take full gations. You must focus on impor- never felt truly free to expressresponsibility for the picture plane. tant tasks in order to complete myself. It made me think about myIn other words, every square inch them, and there must be clear art and how I would often getof the drawing should be con- avenues or pathways to go from caught up in the mechanics andsciously arranged under your one task to another. forget having a purpose for my pic-direction. I know that might seem tures. The result was that while Iobvious because you are drawing did okay with proportions andthe picture, but how many timeshave you started a drawing only to Purpose shading, my work lacked inspira- tion.find that it doesn’t fit on the paper? Years ago when I was attending school, I had an English professor Every drawing can and shouldCompositions can be good or bad. have a purpose. The purpose who taught me an important les-The goal of the artist in creating a might be as simple as seeing an son about art and life. At thegood drawing is to make the com- interesting pose and drawing it. Or beginning of the term a studentposition good. For someone new to ...