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Figure Drawing - Giraffe - Camel - Hippopotamus

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Giraffe characteristics: Very tall with long neck (elongated neck vertebrae) and long limbs. Bony prominences of neck vertebrae can be seen on the surface; brachiocephalicus and omotransversarius muscles, which usually cover the neck, begin low on the side of the neck, rather than up at the skull and first neck vertebra. Back line slopes downward toward rear. Usually three, permanent, bony "horns" in both male and female, covered with skin and fur. Two located on either side of rear of skull (may be topped with hairy tufts); third horn (sometimes only a knob) wider, stubbier, and of variable size,...
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Figure Drawing - Giraffe - Camel - Hippopotamus164 GIRAFFE » ANATOMYGiraffe characteristics: Very tall with long neck (elongated neckvertebrae) and long limbs. Bony prominences of neck vertebraecan be seen on the surface; brachiocephalicus and omotransver-sarius muscles, which usually cover the neck, begin low on theside of the neck, rather than up at the skull and first neckvertebra. Back line slopes downward toward rear. Usually three,permanent, bony horns in both male and female, covered withskin and fur. Two located on either side of rear of skull (may betopped with hairy tufts); third horn (sometimes only a knob)wider, stubbier, and of variable size, located on midline in frontof the other horns, is more developed in the male. Long, mobile,prehensile lips; long tongue. Nostrils closable. Large eyes withlong lashes. No front teeth in upper jaw. Two digits with hoofsper limb. Walks on toes. Long tail with long hair from tip. Uprightmane on midline of neck.AbDIL Abductor digit! I longus; Brach Brachialis; BrcphBrachiocephalicus Bucc Buccinator; Canin Caninus; DelAc Deltoid,acromial portion; DelSc Deltoid, scapular portion; ECR Extensor carpiradialis; EDC Extensor digitorum communis; EDLat Extensor digitorumlateralis; EDLon Extensor digitorum longus; ExAbO External abdominaloblique; FCR Flexor carpi radialis; FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris; FDP Flexordigitorum profundus; FDS Flexor digitorum superflcialis; Front Frontatis;GasLa Gastrocnemius, lateral head; GasMe Gastrocnemius, medial head;Glubi Gluteobiceps; GluMe Gluteus medius; Ilioc Iliocostalis; InfraInfraspinatus; Inttr Intertransversarii; LatDo Latissimus dorsi; LeNasLevator nasolabialis; LLaMx Levator labii maxillaris; LngCa Longus capi-tis; LngCo Longus colli; LonAt Longissimus atlantis; LonCa Longissimuscapitis; LonCe Longissimus cervicis; Long! Longissimus; Malar Malaris;Mass Masseter; OCCau Obliquus capitis caudalis; Omohy Omohyoid;Omotr Omotransversarius; OrOc Orbicularis oculi; OrOr Orbicularis oris;PecAs Pectoralis ascendens; PecDe Pectoralis descendens; PecTrPectoralis transversus; PerLo Peroneus longus; PerTe Peroneus tertius;Pop Popliteus; RecFe Rectus femoris; ScalV Scalenus ventralis; SemCaSemispinalis capitis; SerVC Serratus ventralis cervicis; SmembSemimembranosus; Splen Splenius; Stend Semitendinosus; SthySternohyoid; Stman Sternomandibularis; SusLi Suspensory ligament;Temp Temporalis; TenFL Tensor fasciae latae; TibCr Tibialis cranialis;Trach Trachea; Trap Trapezius; TriLa Triceps brachii, lateral head; TriLoTriceps brachii, long head; UlLat Ulnaris lateralis; VasLa Vastus lateralis;Zyg Zygomaticus. (after blainvilee;skull from specimen) GIRAFFE > ANATOMY 165BARINGO GIRAFFE (FEMALE) (after murie;soluonias;rear limb from dissections; Giraffa cametopardatis166 GIRAFFID > PROPORTION OKAPI GIRAFFID * PROPORTION 167GIRAFFE168 CAMEL » ANATOMY DROMEDARY CAMEL (after smuts;blainville)Camel characteristics: Dromedary with one hump; Bactrian, with two. apicalis; DLaMx Depressor labii maxillaris; ECR Extensor carpi radialis; ECUSame family as the wild guanaco and vicuna, as well as the domesticat- Extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC Extensor digitorum communis; EDLat Extensor digito- rum lateralis; EDLon Extensor digitorum longus; ExAbO External abdominaled llama and alpaca (both derived from the guanaco). Cleft upper lip, oblique; FCR Flexor carpi radialis; FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris; FDP Flexor digitorumslit-like nostrils, which can be closed. Long, thin, upcurved neck, flat- profundus; FDS Flexor digitorum superflcialis; Front Frontalis; GasLa Gastrocne-tened side-to-side. Thin legs (Bactrian with shorter legs). Ulna and fibula mius, lateral head; GasMe Gastrocnemius, medial head; Glubi Gluteobiceps; GluMe Gluteus medius; Grac Gracitis; Ilioc Iliocostalis; Infra Infraspinatus; InDCereduced. Long, vertical femur and low knee joint keeps thigh away from Intertransversarii dorsalis cervicis; InVCe Intertransversarii ventralis cervicis;abdomen and makes leg appear very long. Two digits per limb, splayed LatDo Latissimus dorsi; LeNas Levator nasolabialis; LLaMx Levator labiioutward to ...

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