The Tajima’s test indicated that the analysed population in balancing selection with a D-value of 2.39. A phylogenetic tree based on 455 bp of hypervariable mtDloop sequence classified 17 Bang Troi chicken individuals into three clades A, B, and E, which are common groups of Vietnamese and Asia indigenous chickens. This result provides the first genetic information and maternal lineages of Bang Troi chickens and it can support for registration of local chicken breeds.
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Genetic diversity of mitochondrial dna D-loop sequence in bang troi chicken breed ACADEMIA JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY 2024, 46(1): 49–54 DOI: 10.15625/2615-9023/18999 GENETIC DIVERSITY OF MITOCHONDRIAL DNA D-LOOP SEQUENCE IN BANG TROI CHICKEN BREED Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy1,2,*, Dinh Thi Ngoc Thuy1, Mai Thi Thanh Nga3 1 Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi, Vietnam 2 Graduated University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi, Vietnam 3 North East College of Agriculture and Forestry, Quang Ninh province, Vietnam Received 25 September 2023; accepted 20 March 2024ABSTRACT Bang Troi chicken (GBT) is a local chicken that is free-gardening raised in Quang Ninh province. A 1,268 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop of 17 Bang Troi chicken individuals was sequenced and analyzed. Comparative multiple sequence alignment revealed 17 base substitutions within 17 Bang Troi chicken individuals. Bang Troi chicken had a relatively high level of genetic diversity, expressed in the number of 13 haplotypes, haplotype diversity of 0.949. The Tajima’s test indicated that the analysed population in balancing selection with a D-value of 2.39. A phylogenetic tree based on 455 bp of hypervariable mtD- loop sequence classified 17 Bang Troi chicken individuals into three clades A, B, and E, which are common groups of Vietnamese and Asia indigenous chickens. This result provides the first genetic information and maternal lineages of Bang Troi chickens and it can support for registration of local chicken breeds. Keywords: Bang Troi chicken breed, mtDNA D-loop sequence, genetic diversity, haplotype, phylogeny.Citation: Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy, Dinh Thi Ngoc Thuy, Mai Thi Thanh Nga, 2024. Genetic diversity ofmitochondrial DNA D-loop sequence in Bang Troi chicken breed. Academia Journal of Biology, 46(1): 49–54.* Corresponding author email: 49 Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy et al.INTRODUCTION diversity conservation and development of Vietnam is one of the agricultural indigenous genetic resources.countries with developed poultry farming, MATERIALS AND METHODSespecially for the high number of indigenouschicken breeds. Indigenous chicken breeds are Materialsincreasingly interested not only because of Bang Troi chickens were selected basedtheir good adaptability to weather and on typical morphological characteristics of thenutritional conditions, but also have good egg breed from ten communes of Hoang Boquality and delicious meat favour that are district, Quang Ninh province. A total of 17preferred by the local people. Furthermore, Bang Troi chicken individuals were randomlythey are valuable genetic resources for their sampled from different farms to avoidbetter conservation and for crossbreeding with inbreeding. About 3 mL of blood fromhigh-yielding chickens to improve the individuals were taken from the wing vein andperformance of local breeds. collected in anti-coagulant tubes with EDTA Analysis of genetic diversity using and stored at 4 oC.different types of molecular markers have mtDNA D-loop sequences of Cay Cumbeen applied for the assessment of indigenous chicken (GCC), Lien Minh chicken (GLM),livestock genetic resources. Several studies Nhan chicken (GN), Chin Cua chicken (G9C)have used mitochondrial sequence in and representative samples of clades A, B, C,analysing the evolutionary origin, genetic D, E, F, G, H and I were used forvariation of chicken breeds. Liu et al. (2006) phylogenetic analysis.presented an overview of the geneticdistribution of domestic chicken breeds in the Methodsworld with nine branches (named A->I), in Genomic DNA was extracted by awhich, there are many Asian chicken breeds. standard procedure using Proteinase KThe research results of Oka et al. (2007) also digestion followed by phenol-chloroformshowed seven genetic clades of the Japanese extraction and precipitation with ethanolchicken breed (A–G), of which four clades (Ausubel et al., 1995). The quantity andcoincided with the study of Liu et al. (2006). quality of genomic DNA were checked with aSeveral Vie ...