Thông tin tài liệu:
Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P16: The advances in computer entertainment, multi-player and online games,technology-enabled art, culture and performance have created a new form of entertainmentand art, which attracts and absorbs their participants. The fantastic successof this new field has influenced the development of the new digital entertainmentindustry and related products and services, which has impacted every aspect of ourlives.
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Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P16448 W. H¨ rst ucapabilities of handheld devices is a difficult task that is yet unsolved. In theremainder of the article, we summarize our ongoing work in developing better in-terfaces that offer a richer browsing experience and therefore better usability ofmobile video.A Short Review of Video Browsing Techniquesfor Larger DisplaysWhen browsing video, for example, to get an overview of the content of a file orto localize a specific position in order to answer some information need, there arenormally two major problems. First, video is a continuous medium that changesover time. With a static medium such as text, people always see some context at atime and can decide themselves at which speed they look at it. In contrast to this,for video only a single frame of a sequence of time-ordered frames is shown for atime slot that depends on the playback speed (e.g. 1=25 sec for a typical video play-back rate). Second, there is often not much meta-information available to supportusers in their search and browsing tasks. Again, think about browsing the pages ofa book. Besides the actual content, there is meta-information encoded, for exam-ple, in the header and footer. Spatial information such as the separation in differentparagraphs illustrates related parts with regards to content. Headlines give a shortsummary of the following content. Different font styles, such as bold face or italic,are used to highlight important information, and so on. In addition, higher levelmeta-information exists such as an abstract printed on the cover of the book, thecontent list at its beginning, etc. All of this meta-information supports users in vari-ous browsing task. For video however, comparable information is usually missing. Not surprisingly, most existing research in digital video browsing tries to makeup for this lack of meta-information by automatically extracting comparable infor-mation from videos and representing it in an appropriate way that supports users intheir browsing tasks (cf. Figure 1). For example, automatic segmentation techniquesare often used to identify content-related parts of a video [13, 17]. This structure in-formation can be displayed and used for navigation (e.g. jumping from scene toscene using dedicated buttons) in order to make up of the missing structure infor-mation encoded in paragraphs and spaces between them in printed text. Single keyframes can be extracted from a scene and represented as a storyboard, that is, avisual arrangement of thumbnails containing the key frames where the spatial orderrepresents the temporal alignment in the video [4, 16]. This static representationcan be used to get a rough idea of the video’s content, similarly to the content list ina book. One variation, so called Video Mangas, represent different scenes in a comicbook style where thumbnail sizes depend on the relevance of the related scene, thusresembling the hierarchical structure of a content list [2, 18]. Another variation ofstoryboards, so called video skims or moving storyboards pay tribute to the dy-namic nature of video. Here, the static thumbnail representation is replaced with ashort video clip that offers a glimpse into the related scene [3]. On a higher level,20 Video Browsing on Handheld Devices 449 TEXT BROWSING VIDEO BROWSING comparable concepts VIDEO MANGA Comic book like representation of CONTENT LIST thumbnails indicating Gives high level info about scenes with different content and structure of the relevance book STORYBOARD Spatial arrangement HEADLINES AND of thumbnails PAGE HEADERS representing Give high level information temporally ordered about the following content scenes AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED META-INFORMATION PARAGRAPHS AND SPACES KEYFRAMES Indicate structure and Single frames from a scene that units that are related in represent its content terms of content … SPECIAL FONT STYLES Highlight words of particular interest SEGMENTATION Au ...