Illegal turtle trade in Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, Tuyen Quang Provinces and Online illegal turtle trade
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Turtle trade is a long-term conservation problem, which drives many turtle populations in Vietnam to the brink of extinction. In this study, we conducted interview surveys in three northern provinces in Vietnam, including Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, and Tuyen Quang between 2013 and 2015 to investigate the scale and trend of turtle trade in Vietnam. The results of the study show that the prices of most species increased alarmingly during the study period, probably due to the rarity of the species and the higher demand from China.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Illegal turtle trade in Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, Tuyen Quang Provinces and Online illegal turtle tradeVNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 1S (2016) 245-253Illegal Turtle Trade in Bac Kan, Quang Ninh,Tuyen Quang Provinces and Online Illegal Turtle TradeTran Thi Khanh Linh1, Pham Van Thong2,*, Le Duc Minh1, Timothy McCormack2Hoang Van Ha2, Nguyen Tai Thang2, Ngo Thi Hanh11Faculty of Environmental Sciences, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam2Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar ConservationReceived 08 July 2016Revised 19 August 2016; Accepted 01 September 2016Abstract: Turtle trade is a long-term conservation problem, which drives many turtle populationsin Vietnam to the brink of extinction. In this study, we conducted interview surveys in threenorthern provinces in Vietnam, including Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, and Tuyen Quang between 2013and 2015 to investigate the scale and trend of turtle trade in Vietnam. The results of the study showthat the prices of most species increased alarmingly during the study period, probably due to therarity of the species and the higher demand from China. More importantly, our surveys of onlinetrading activities through social networks suggest that the new method of turtle trade dramaticallyrises in recently years, and overtakes the traditional networks as the most common way of trading.Based on the trend and scale of the trade, we recommend several conservation measures to mitigateturtle trade, especially formulating new regulations to stop online trading activities.Keywords: Turtle trade, Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, Tuyen Quang, online trade.1. Introduction∗example, the illegal trade in wildlife hascontinued unabated since Vietnam opened itsmarket to China in the early 1990s [3]. In thiscontext, turtle is not an exception. Freshwaterturtles and tortoises, in some cases serving askeystone species or an important link in thefood web, play a crucial role in ecosystems.However, turtle populations around the worldhave declined drastically over the past 30 years[4]. The international trade in turtles is thebiggest threat to their conservation, with turtlesbeing harvested for food, use in traditionalChinese medicine and sale in the pet trade [5].In Vietnam, wildlife mostly comes fromprotected areas in Central Vietnam [1,6,7].Illegal traders find multiple avenues forConservation of endangered fauna and florais an important, but complex issue at nationaland international levels. Despite concertedefforts of non-governmental organizations,government agencies, and other stakeholders,many species still face the prospect ofextinction due to habitat loss and degradationand illegal trade of wildlife and their relatedproducts [1]. Illegal wildlife trade is a pervasiveand destructive crime that results in seriousbiodiversity loss around the globe [2]. For_______∗Corresponding author. Tel.: 84-912984096Email: phamthong@asianturtleprogram.org245246 T.T.K. Linh et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 1S (2016) 245-253trafficking species across the border betweenVietnam and China. Smugglers have also begunto use private vehicles to transport contrabandin order to avoid confiscation [8].Although collecting wildlife species isillegal, Vietnam’s traders exported 35.7 tons ofmostly wild turtles a year during the early2000s [1]. At the beginning, the quantity ofturtles used locally was insignificant,accounting for only 10% of the harvest [3,9].However, domestic consumption has increasedrecently, although it is difficult to estimate thevolume of this illegal trade [10].To better understand the evolution of thetrade through time, it is important to determinethe pattern and scale of the turtle trade inhotspot areas in Vietnam. To this end, thisstudy, conducted in three provinces, namelyBac Kan, Tuyen Quang and Quang Ninh,assessed the trend of turtle trade over the last 10years. In addition to undertaking traditionalinterview surveys, this study also collected datafrom online turtle trading, an increasinglycommon method for trading wildlife. The trendof the trade was clarified when two methods oftrading are compared. The study also illustratedthe scale of the illegal trade in turtles, raised theconcerns in this critical threat, andsimultaneously provided baseline data forfuture trade monitoring and enforcementactivities vital to turtle conservation.2. MethodologySemi-structured interview survey wasconducted in Yen Son district of Tuyen QuangProvince from 10th May to 15th May 2011, inseven districts of Na Ri, Ngan Son, Ba Be, PacNam, Bach Thong, Cho Don, Cho Moi in BacKan Province 12th to 23rd August 2013, and innine districts of Ba Che, Hoanh Bo, Van Don,Cam Pha, Ha Long, Tien Yen, Dam Ha, MongCai, Binh Lieu of Quang Ninh Province from29th Jun to 14th July in 2015 (Fig. 1). Turtleobserved were recorded using the field recordform [11] with carapace length, width and turtleweight and photos attach, and GPS the location.Turtles were identified base on the standardidentification book entitled “Field Guide TurtleIdentification of Freshwater Turtle and Tortoiseof Vietnam” [12]. Prices of turtles were alsodocumented [10]. The surveys focused oninterviewing local hunters, traders, farmers.Online turtle trade surveys were carried outfor two months from March to May 2015 usingsearch tools from Google and Facebook withkeywords: “Buôn bán rùa”, “Bán rùa online”,“Page bán rùa”, “Hội yêu rùa”, “Hội yêu rùa HàNội” and “Chợ rùa market”. The volume ofturtle seizure in online newspapers during threeyears (2013-2015) was documented by Googlesearch tool using keywords: “Buôn bán rùa tráiphép 2013”, “Tịch thu rùa trái phép”, “Tịch thuđộng vật hoang dã”. Some websites, such,,,, also provided good sources o ...
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Illegal turtle trade in Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, Tuyen Quang Provinces and Online illegal turtle tradeVNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 1S (2016) 245-253Illegal Turtle Trade in Bac Kan, Quang Ninh,Tuyen Quang Provinces and Online Illegal Turtle TradeTran Thi Khanh Linh1, Pham Van Thong2,*, Le Duc Minh1, Timothy McCormack2Hoang Van Ha2, Nguyen Tai Thang2, Ngo Thi Hanh11Faculty of Environmental Sciences, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam2Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar ConservationReceived 08 July 2016Revised 19 August 2016; Accepted 01 September 2016Abstract: Turtle trade is a long-term conservation problem, which drives many turtle populationsin Vietnam to the brink of extinction. In this study, we conducted interview surveys in threenorthern provinces in Vietnam, including Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, and Tuyen Quang between 2013and 2015 to investigate the scale and trend of turtle trade in Vietnam. The results of the study showthat the prices of most species increased alarmingly during the study period, probably due to therarity of the species and the higher demand from China. More importantly, our surveys of onlinetrading activities through social networks suggest that the new method of turtle trade dramaticallyrises in recently years, and overtakes the traditional networks as the most common way of trading.Based on the trend and scale of the trade, we recommend several conservation measures to mitigateturtle trade, especially formulating new regulations to stop online trading activities.Keywords: Turtle trade, Bac Kan, Quang Ninh, Tuyen Quang, online trade.1. Introduction∗example, the illegal trade in wildlife hascontinued unabated since Vietnam opened itsmarket to China in the early 1990s [3]. In thiscontext, turtle is not an exception. Freshwaterturtles and tortoises, in some cases serving askeystone species or an important link in thefood web, play a crucial role in ecosystems.However, turtle populations around the worldhave declined drastically over the past 30 years[4]. The international trade in turtles is thebiggest threat to their conservation, with turtlesbeing harvested for food, use in traditionalChinese medicine and sale in the pet trade [5].In Vietnam, wildlife mostly comes fromprotected areas in Central Vietnam [1,6,7].Illegal traders find multiple avenues forConservation of endangered fauna and florais an important, but complex issue at nationaland international levels. Despite concertedefforts of non-governmental organizations,government agencies, and other stakeholders,many species still face the prospect ofextinction due to habitat loss and degradationand illegal trade of wildlife and their relatedproducts [1]. Illegal wildlife trade is a pervasiveand destructive crime that results in seriousbiodiversity loss around the globe [2]. For_______∗Corresponding author. Tel.: 84-912984096Email: phamthong@asianturtleprogram.org245246 T.T.K. Linh et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 1S (2016) 245-253trafficking species across the border betweenVietnam and China. Smugglers have also begunto use private vehicles to transport contrabandin order to avoid confiscation [8].Although collecting wildlife species isillegal, Vietnam’s traders exported 35.7 tons ofmostly wild turtles a year during the early2000s [1]. At the beginning, the quantity ofturtles used locally was insignificant,accounting for only 10% of the harvest [3,9].However, domestic consumption has increasedrecently, although it is difficult to estimate thevolume of this illegal trade [10].To better understand the evolution of thetrade through time, it is important to determinethe pattern and scale of the turtle trade inhotspot areas in Vietnam. To this end, thisstudy, conducted in three provinces, namelyBac Kan, Tuyen Quang and Quang Ninh,assessed the trend of turtle trade over the last 10years. In addition to undertaking traditionalinterview surveys, this study also collected datafrom online turtle trading, an increasinglycommon method for trading wildlife. The trendof the trade was clarified when two methods oftrading are compared. The study also illustratedthe scale of the illegal trade in turtles, raised theconcerns in this critical threat, andsimultaneously provided baseline data forfuture trade monitoring and enforcementactivities vital to turtle conservation.2. MethodologySemi-structured interview survey wasconducted in Yen Son district of Tuyen QuangProvince from 10th May to 15th May 2011, inseven districts of Na Ri, Ngan Son, Ba Be, PacNam, Bach Thong, Cho Don, Cho Moi in BacKan Province 12th to 23rd August 2013, and innine districts of Ba Che, Hoanh Bo, Van Don,Cam Pha, Ha Long, Tien Yen, Dam Ha, MongCai, Binh Lieu of Quang Ninh Province from29th Jun to 14th July in 2015 (Fig. 1). Turtleobserved were recorded using the field recordform [11] with carapace length, width and turtleweight and photos attach, and GPS the location.Turtles were identified base on the standardidentification book entitled “Field Guide TurtleIdentification of Freshwater Turtle and Tortoiseof Vietnam” [12]. Prices of turtles were alsodocumented [10]. The surveys focused oninterviewing local hunters, traders, farmers.Online turtle trade surveys were carried outfor two months from March to May 2015 usingsearch tools from Google and Facebook withkeywords: “Buôn bán rùa”, “Bán rùa online”,“Page bán rùa”, “Hội yêu rùa”, “Hội yêu rùa HàNội” and “Chợ rùa market”. The volume ofturtle seizure in online newspapers during threeyears (2013-2015) was documented by Googlesearch tool using keywords: “Buôn bán rùa tráiphép 2013”, “Tịch thu rùa trái phép”, “Tịch thuđộng vật hoang dã”. Some websites, such,,,, also provided good sources o ...
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Turtle trade Bac Kan Quang Ninh Tuyen Quang Online trade Illegal turtle trade Online illegal turtle tradeGợi ý tài liệu liên quan:
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