The intelligent vehicle system is the primary trend in the development of modern transportation. This paper introduces several kinds of ranging technology used in smart transportation, such as the existing ultrasonic ranging, millimeter-wave radar going, laser ranging, machine vision running, etc. Firstly, the development status is explained. Secondly, the principle is elaborated. Next, their performance is analyzed and compared. Finally, we introduce the development trend of vehicle ranging technology.
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Implementing Development Status Scheme Based on Vehicle Ranging Technology Implementing Development Status Scheme Based on Vehicle Ranging Technology Chun-Yuan Ning1, Jun-Jie Shang1, Shi-Jie Jiang1, Duc-Tinh Pham2,3, Thi-Xuan-Huong Nguyen4 1 Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Applications, Fujian University of Technology, Fujian Province 350118, China; 2 Center of Information Technology, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam; 3 Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam; 4 Haiphong University of Management and Technology, Haiphong, Vietnam,,,, Abstract. The intelligent vehicle system is the primary trend in the develop- ment of modern transportation. This paper introduces several kinds of ranging technology used in smart transportation, such as the existing ultrasonic ranging, millimeter-wave radar going, laser ranging, machine vision running, etc. Firstly, the development status is explained. Secondly, the principle is elaborated. Next, their performance is analyzed and compared. Finally, we introduce the devel- opment trend of vehicle ranging technology. Keywords: Vehicle ranging; Laser ranging; Ultrasonic ranging; Radar ranging; Machine vision; Multi-sensor fusion1 Introduction Traffic incidents have become common with the rise in car ownership at home andabroad[1]. People paid extensive attention to technology for self-driving and helped topush technology. In comparison, the distance measurement technology can providethe self-driving system with precise and real-time decision-making, making the vehi-cle safer and more relaxed[2]. Many distance measurement technologies have beenintroduced and applied to different vehicle systems nowadays[3]. The intelligent vehicle system is the primary trend in the development of moderntransportation[4]. This paper introduces several kinds of ranging technology used insmart transportation, such as the existing ultrasonic ranging, millimeter-wave radargoing, laser ranging, machine vision running, etc. Firstly, the development status isexplained. Secondly, the principle is elaborated. Next, their performance is analyzedand compared. Finally, we introduce the development trend of vehicle ranging tech-nology.22 Ultrasonic ranging Ultrasonic ranging technology was born in the 21st century and has been widelystudied and applied in robot obstacle avoidance, car reversing, and liquid level meas-urement. The main reasons, advantages, and disadvantages of the measurement errorcaused by ultrasonic ranging are analyzed in [5-6]. Ultrasonic ranging is a mechanicalwave above 20 kHz generated by the transmitting end, which propagates along theprobes direction. When the ultrasonic wave encounters an object, it is reflected backand received by the ultrasonic receiving sensor [7]. From the time t from the start ofthe transmission to the end of the reception and the propagation speed of the ultrason-ic wave in the current environment, the distance S to be measured is obtained, and thecalculation formula is: ? = 1/2 × ? × ? #(1) Since the speed of sound of the ultrasonic wave is related to the temperature T, inorder to improve the accuracy of the distance measurement, it can be further correctedby the method of temperature compensation. The approximate calculation formula ofthe ultrasonic propagation velocity v is: ? = 331.5 + 0.607 × ? #(2)3 Millimeter-wave Radar Ranging The foreign-based millimeter-wave radar started in the 1960s. The research contentmainly includes the recognition of Doppler and micro-Doppler features of movingtargets, the recognition of features based on target time-frequency analysis, and therecognition of features based on target one-dimensional distance images[8-9].Millimeter-wave radar ranging uses Doppler radar technology to obtain the relativedistance between the vehicle and the obstacle by processing the phase and frequencyinformation between the transmitted signal and the recovered signal [10]. When thetime difference between the signal sent by the sensor and the received signal is ∆t, thedistance is R, and the speed of light is c, the distance between the vehicle and theobstacle can be calculated according to the formula R=∆t/2. Aeri- Transmit al Receive Car brake a signal signal ...