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Lecture 2MATLAB fundamentals

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Variables, Naming Rules, Arrays (numbers, scalars, vectors, matrices), Arithmetical Operations,Defining and manipulating arraysVariablesWhat are variables?You name the variables (as the programmer) and assign them numerical values.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Lecture 2MATLAB fundamentals Lecture2 Lecture2 MATLABfundamentals Variables,NamingRules, Arrays(numbers,scalars,vectors,matrices), ArithmeticalOperations, Definingandmanipulatingarrays© 2007 Daniel Valentine. All rights reserved. Published byElsevier. Variables Variables Whatarevariables? – Younamethevariables(astheprogrammer) andassignthemnumericalvalues. VariableNamingRules VariableNamingRules MustbeginwithaLETTER Mayonlycontainletters,numbersand underscores(_) Nospacesorpunctuationmarksallowed! Onlythefirst63charactersaresignificant; beyondthatthenamesaretruncated. Casesensitive(e.g.thevariablesaandA arenotthesame) Whichvariablenamesare Whichvariablenamesare valid? 12oclockRock tertiarySector bluecows Eiffel65 red_bananas This_Variable_Name_Is_Quite_Possibly_Too_L ong_To_Be_Considered_Good_Practice_Howev er_It_Will_Work%(thegreenpartisnotpartof therecognizedname) VariableNamingConventions VariableNamingConventions Therearedifferentwaystonamevariables.The followingillustratesomeoftheconventionsused: – lowerCamelCase – UpperCamelCase – underscore_convention Ifavariableisaconstant,someprogrammersuseall caps: – CONSTANT Itdoesnotmatterwhichconventionyouchoosetowork with;itisuptoyou. Variables as ArraysIn MATLAB, a variable is stored as an array of variablenumbers. When appropriate, it is interpreted as ascalar, vector or matrix.scalar vector matrix scalar vector matrix 1×1 n × 1 or 1 ×n n×mThe size of an array is specified by the number ofTherows and the number of columns in the array, withthe number of rows indicated first.the Scalars Scalarsare1×1arrays. Theycontainasinglevalue,forexample: r=6 height = 5.3 width = 9.07 Vectors Vectors A vector is a list of numbers expressed as a 1 vector dimensional array. dimensional A vector can be n×1 or 1×n. Columns are separated by commas (or spaces): Columns commas h = [1, 2, 3] Rows are separated by semicolons: Rows semicolons v = [1; 2; 3] Matrices Columns 1 2 3 Amatrixisatwo 1 3.0 1.8 3.6 dimensionalarrayof numbers. 2 4.6 2.0 21.3 Rows 3 0.0 6.1 12.8 Forexample,thisisa 4×3matrix: 4 2.3 0.3 6.1m = [3.0, 1.8, 3.6; 4.6, -2.0, 21.3; 0.0, 2.0,-6.1, 12.8; 2.3, 0.3, -6.1] 6.1,Indexedlocationofnumbersinan array Columns Eachiteminanarray 1 2 3 islocatedinthe (row,column). 1 3.0 1.8 3.6 m(2,3) m(2,3) 2 4.6 2.0 21.3 Rows ans = ans 21.3000 21.3000 3 0.0 6.1 12.8 4 2.3 0.3 6.1 Examples EnterthefollowingintoMATLAB: – Scalar: a=1 – Vectors: b = [1, 0, 2] c = [1 0 2] – Matrix: d = [5, 4, 3; 0, 2, 8] Examples Examples Enter(input)thefollowingmatrixintoMATLAB: 7 21 6 2 32 0 whiteRabbit = 5 0 18.5ScalarOperationsScalarOperationsOperation Algebraic MATLAB Syntax Syntax a+b a+b Addition ab a–b Subtraction a×b a .* bMultiplication a÷b a ./ b Division ab a .^ bExponentiation ArrayOperations ArrayOperations ArraysofnumbersinMATLABcanbeinterpretedas vectorsandmatricesifvectorormatrixalgebraistobe applied.Recallthatmatricesaremathematicalobjects thatcanbemultipliedbytherulesofmatrices.Todo matrixmultiplication,youneedtousethestandard*,/, and^ operators[withoutthepreceding.(dot)].Theyare operators[withoutthepreceding notforarraymultiplication,divisionandexponentiation. Todealwitharraysonanelementbyelementlevelwe needtousethefollowingarrayordotoperators: .* ,./ .^ .* ./ and and Arrayoperations&dotoperators Arrayoperations&dotoperators .*,./ .^ ./ and and Becausescalarsareequivalenttoa1×1 array,youcaneitherusethestandardor thedotoperatorswhendoing multiplication,divisionandexponentiation ofscalars(i.e.,ofsinglenumbers). Itisokayforyoutoalwaysusethedot operators,unlessyouintendtoperform vectorormatrixmultiplicationordivision. ...

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