During the UNESCO meeting from September 28th to October 2nd, 2009 in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Indonesian Batik costumes were honored as Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity. And, to receive this event, also on October 2nd, all Indonesian people unanimously wore Batik clothes.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Lessons on the preservation, promotion and applicationof Batik heritage in a modern life of IndonesiaNghiênTạp chí cứu Khoatrao họcđổi ● Research-Exchange - Viện of 64 Đại học Mở Hà Nội opinion (2/2020) 1-6 1 LESSONS ON THE PRESERVATION, PROMOTION AND APPLICATIONOF BATIK HERITAGE IN A MODERN LIFE OF INDONESIA Ngo Van Doanh* Date received the article: 2/8/2019 Date received the review results: 3/2/2020 Date published the article: 28/2/2020 Abstracts: During the UNESCO meeting from September 28th to October 2nd, 2009 inAbu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Indonesian Batik costumes were honored as IntangibleCultural Heritage of humanity. And, to receive this event, also on October 2nd, all Indonesianpeople unanimously wore Batik clothes. Afterwards, the Batik festivals took place on thestreets of Java province. UNESCO’s tribute is the recognition of the hard work and wisdomof talented Java weavers who constantly create, preserve and develop their Batik art. Thanksto these extraordinary efforts, the traditional handicrafts of a few small villages on the islandof Java have gradually become a national cultural symbol and are recognized as a worldheritage. So what is Batik? How is Batik technology and art conceived and developed aswell as recognized by both Indonesia and the world as an intangible cultural heritage ofhumanity? Keywords: Lesson, preservation, promotion, heritage, Batik, Indonesia. According to the researchers, from the Even in the semantics of “write”,etymological perspective, the name Batik “tattoo” or “dot” of the name, there is moremay be a root word of the Java language: or less showing the technical aspects ofamba (“write”) and titik (meaning “dot” or Batik: dyeing the fabric with wax resistants“point”; or possibly a word derived from painted on the fabric before being dye tothe Proto-Austronesian language: becik create certain patterns, textures, images ...(“tattoo” with a pin). During the Dutch According to researchers, this technique ofcolonial period, in Indonesia, the art was dyeing cloth using wax has been popularreferred to by some similar names: mbatek, in many parts of the world since ancientbatek, mbatik and batik. And, it was not times. Through the samples of clothinguntil 1880, in Europe, for the first time and fabrics discovered by archaeologists,that the name Batik was announced in it can be seen that, right from the fifth andEngland in “Encyclopaedia Britannica” fourth century BC, Indians and Egyptiansand officially pronounced Batik. had known wax dyeing technique.* Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, VASS2 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion Chinese people from the Sui Batik attire. According to historical records,period (581-618) and Japanese from the the King (sultan) Agung of Mataram woreNara period (710-794) used this dyeing white cotton clothes with indigo bluetechnique. So, in Indonesia, when did decorations, and the royal court dancersthis technology appear? Researcher wore Batik cloth skirts (kain kembangan)G.P.Rouffaer said that Batik was introduced dyed red. After that, since becoming a Dutchinto Java from India or Sri Lanka (Xay colony in the early nineteenth century, BatikLan) in the VI-VII century. Meanwhile, of Java island began to be popularized andDutch archaeologist A. Brandes and known around the world.Indonesian archaeologist F.A.Sutjipto In Europe, the Batik technique wasbelieved that Batik is indigenous tradition first described in the book “History ofof Inddonessia, because regions such as Java” (published in London in 1817) by SirToraja, Flores, Halmahera and Papua, Thomas Stamford Raffles, Former GovernorAlthough not influenced by India, retains of the British Islands. In 1873, Dutchthe tradition of making ancient Batik. merchant Van Rijckevorsel gave the items Not only confirming Indonesia’s he collected when he arrived in IndonesiaBatik technique is imported from ...