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Examining the syntactic and semantic features of adjective and verb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese; finding out the similarities and differences in adjective and verb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese.
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Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese1MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF DANANG2The thesis has been completed at the College of ForeignLanguages, University of Danang.Supervisor: NGŨ THI N HÙNG, Ph. D.NGUY N THÚC TRÍExaminer 1: Assoc. Prof. Dr. TR N VĂN PHƯ CExaminer 2: NGUY N TH QUỲNH HOA, Ph. D.AN INVESTIGATION INTO LINGUISTIC FEATURES OFADJECTIVE AND VERB PHRASES USING WORDS OFBODY PARTSIN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESEThe thesis will be orally defended at the ExaminingCommittee.Field: THE ENGLISH LANGUAGECode:60.22.15Time: 16th April, 2012Venue: University of DanangMASTER THESIS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE(SUMMARY)Danang, 2012The original of thesis is accessible for the purpose of referenceat the College of Foreign Languages Library, and theInformation Resources Center, Danang University.34Chapter 1numerous such as bu n thúi ru t, s d ng tóc gáy, s m t m t, s táiINTRODUCTION1.1. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMm t, s thót tim, gi n b m gan tím ru t, gi n sôi máu …Being a Vietnamese who is studying and teaching English, ILanguage is a means of communication and also an effectivewish to explore the linguistic features of the verb phrase andmeans to achieve one’s goal in depicting a state-of-affairs vividly. Inadjective phrases as body idioms expressing emotion. I also wish toour daily life, we often experience a state of emotion and have anshare my language experience with colleagues and Vietnameseurgent need to express ourselves, maybe because of a natural demandlearners of English as well as foreigners studying Vietnameseto give vent to our feeling. We also have the need to depict somethrough my research: “An investigation into linguistic features ofother persons’ emotional or physiological state with effectiveadjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in Englishlanguage. Our portrayal of our own emotional state or evenand Vietnamese”.someone’s physiological state needs to be close to the state-of-affairs1.2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVESand sharp enough to reach the hearer or reader’s heart instantly.1.2.1. AimsTherefore, it is necessary for us to use some certain pieces of- Examining the syntactic and semantic features of adjectivelanguage through some way so that our communication can workand verb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts inmost effectively concerning the expression of our emotion and that ofexpressing emotion in English and Vietnamese.some others. In doing so, we may make use of the verb phrases andadjective phrases to expression various states of emotion.In English language, there are a lot of adjective and verb- Finding out the similarities and differences in adjective andverb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressingemotion in English and Vietnamese.phrases using the words of body parts which have high values of- Making implications to teaching and learning adjective andexpressing through metaphor: pissed out of one’s head, get one’sverb phrases using the words of body parts in expressing emotion inhands on somebody, have one’s nose in a book, fed up to the backEnglish and Vietnamese.teeth...1.2.2. ObjectivesIn Vietnamese language, the adjective and verb phrases using- To describe the syntactic and semantic features of adjectivethe words of body parts expressing feelings, physiological statesand verb phrases as idioms using the words of body parts inimpressively and picturesquely through hyperbole are foundexpressing emotion in English and Vietnamese.56- To make a contrastive analysis of the syntactic andto the examination of the formal characteristics such as the internalsemantic features of adjective and verb phrases as idioms using thestructure of the phrase in terms of X-bar construction. The discussionwords of body parts in expressing emotion in English andof the semantic mechanism of the body idioms expressing emotionVietnamese.will look into how concepts of emotion state and concepts of physical- To put forward some implications to the teaching andand physiological state are formed and how these concepts arelearning of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body partscognitively linked in the conceptualization of the images of expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese as well as the1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYtranslation of these units.1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONSTo achieve the objectives mentioned above, the study tries toseek the information for the following questions:The study is expected to provide the practical knowledge ofthe syntactic and semantic features of adjective and verb phrases asbody idioms expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese. To thisend, this study can help the Vietnamese learners of English and1) What are the syntactic features of adjective and verbforeigners studying Vietnamese to improve their competence in usingphrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressinglanguage, especially the adjective and verb phrases as body idioms inemotion in English and Vietnamese?English and in Vietnamese concerning the choice of conceptual2) What are the semantic features of adjective and verbphrases as idioms using the words of body parts in expressingemotion in English and Vietnamese?3) What are the similarities and differences in the syntacticand semantic features of adjective and verb phrases using the wordsof body parts in expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese?1.4. SCOPE OF THE STUDYThis research focuses on investigating the syntactic andsemantic features of adjective and verb phrases as idioms using theimages.1.6. ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDYChapter 1: “Introduction” deals with the statement of theproblem, the aims ...