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INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND INTERFACESTechnical evolution and economic influences have combined to define the integration of contemporary multisensor instrumentation systems relative to a delineation of applications. A hierarchical instrumentation taxonomy is accordingly described as illustrated by discrete automatic test equipment, remote measurement environments, automation system virtual instruments, and analytical instrumentation for aiding sensed-feature understanding. The integration of each of these instrumentation categories is also defined by bus and network structures appropriate for meeting application performance requirements....
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Multisensor thiết bị đo đạc thiết kế 6o (P9) Multisensor Instrumentation 6 Design. By Patrick H. Garrett Copyright © 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBNs: 0-471-20506-0 (Print); 0-471-22155-4 (Electronic)9INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMINTEGRATION AND INTERFACES9-0 INTRODUCTIONTechnical evolution and economic influences have combined to define the integra-tion of contemporary multisensor instrumentation systems relative to a delineationof applications. A hierarchical instrumentation taxonomy is accordingly describedas illustrated by discrete automatic test equipment, remote measurement environ-ments, automation system virtual instruments, and analytical instrumentation foraiding sensed-feature understanding. The integration of each of these instrumenta-tion categories is also defined by bus and network structures appropriate for meet-ing application performance requirements. Chapter highlights include the description of virtual instrument capabilities forelevating fundamental sensor data to a higher attribution, enabling more complexcognitive interpretation. Such attribution is then extended to analytical instrumenta-tion employing hyperspectral sensing of multiple spatial and spectral data for im-proved feature characterization. This is shown to be useful in advanced processcontrol systems for comparing product states to goal states during manufacturingfor the purpose of synthesizing compensating online quality control references.9-1 SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND INTERFACE BUSESElectrical measurement has been evolving for nearly two centuries since the inven-tion of the galvanometer in 1820. Continued development has provided an expand-ing range of sophisticated measurement, signal conditioning, analysis, and datapresentation capabilities with the instrumentation taxonomy, shown in Figure 9-1,that can accommodate the comprehensive data requirements of advanced hierarchi-cal sensor and actuator systems. Four distinct instrumentation integration structuresare defined, each of which involve different implementations for meeting their re- 187188 INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND INTERFACES FIGURE 9-1. Hierarchical instrumentation taxonomony.spective excitation and measurement applications. Examples are presented in thesections that follow that highlight effective solutions to contemporary instrumenta-tion challenges for each of these architectures. The diversity of existing bus structures provides a useful delineation of capabili-ties for instrumentation system integration. Figure 9-2 introduces basic computerbus classifications. Level-0 traces describe intercomponent board connections that 9-1 SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND INTERFACE BUSES 189 FIGURE 9-2. Basic computer bus classifications.are characterized by signals specific to their digital devices. Level-1 dedicated bus-es, such as the industry standard architecture (ISA) bus, provide buffered subsystemperipheral component interfacing, including protocols to accommodate signal prop-agation delays. Level-2 system buses, such as the peripheral component intercon-nect (PCI) structure detailed in Figure 9-11, offer comprehensive bus master ser-vices, including arbitration and concurrent operation. Level-3 parallel buses enableperipheral extensions for Level-1 buses, including the general purpose interface bus(GPIB) and small computer systems interface (SCSI) bus. Level-4 serial buses arethe longest structures in the bus repertoire, and range from early standards such asRS-232C to the more recent universal serial bus (USB) described in the followingsection. Serial bus transmission protocols are divided into synchronous and asyn-chronous modes, with the latter prevalent. The Level-5 video bus may be limited toan AGP port that supports the monitor. The GPIB bus has achieved acceptance since its introduction by Hewlett-Packard because of its robustness for networking discrete instruments. This parallelbus can link 15 instruments plus a controller with 16 active lines, eight for data andeight for control, as shown in Figure 9-3. Communication control procedures initi-ated prior to data transmission designate transmitting instruments and receiving in-struments. Instead of address lines, there are three data-transfer and five bus man-190 INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND INTERFACES FIGURE 9-3. GPIB parallel bus structure.agement lines for communication utilities. When ATN is high, all instruments mustlisten to the DIO lines. When ATN is low, only designated instruments can sendand receive data. External information exchanges with the ...