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Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions: The Art of Digital Photography- P4: This book rocks! It is not just a revised version; this is a brand new edition.So much has changed in Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 that it is practically a whole new program,and Mikkel Aaland has completed quite an amazing undertaking with PhotoshopElements 3 Solutions.
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Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions: The Art of Digital Photography- P4 Figure 3.17: Before using the Dodge tool (left). After using the Dodge tool (right). To use the Brush to whiten teeth: 1. Choose a color to paint with by selecting the Eyedropper tool ( ) from the toolbar. Click the lightest section of a tooth. Now click the foreground color swatch ( ) in the toolbar, which now contains your sampled color. This opens the Color Picker. Select a color that is brighter than the sampled color. On the left in Figure 3.18, you can see the sampled color shown in a small circle. The74 larger circle shown above and to the left of the sampled color is the mouse cur-B E T T E R FA C E S ■ sor, which you can move around to select a lighter color. When you click the cursor on a color, that color appears in the upper half of the color rectangle to the right of the color slider, with the sampled color appearing in the lower half of the rectangle. 2. Select the Brush tool ( ) from the toolbar.3: 3. Select an appropriately sized soft-edged brush from the options bar. Set the CHAPTER Mode to Lighten and the Opacity to 15–20 percent. 4. Paint carefully over the teeth until you get the effect you want. Figure 3.18: Select a color (left) that is brighter than the tooth (right). To fix a tooth with the Liquify filter: 1. Make a selection around the area you want to fix. 2. Choose Liquify from the Filter menu (Filter Distort Liquify).3. Select the Bloat tool ( ) if you want to enlarge a tooth, the Pucker tool ( ) if you want to shrink one, or the Warp tool ( ) if you want to straighten one. Choose an appropriate brush size and a relatively low brush pressure.4. Place the brush over the area you want to fix. It will take some experimenta- tion, but you can shrink the gaps between teeth, fill in a missing piece of enam- el, or straighten a crooked tooth. In Figure 3.19 you can see how I’ve fixed two teeth by using the Liquify filterand the Bloat tool.Figure 3.19: Before applying the Liquify filter (left) and after (right). 75 ■ S E L E C T I V E LY R E M O V I N G W R I N K L E S A N D B L E M I S H E S W I T H T H E H E A L I N G B R U S HSelectively Removing Wrinkles and Blemishes with the HealingBrushPersonally, I like wrinkles; they show character and maturity. However, I know thatnot all wrinkles are caused by age and character. Many times they are unwanted arti-facts of a high-speed contrasty film or harsh lighting. Getting rid of wrinkles and removing blemishes and other unwanted artifactsfrom the face is especially easy with Photoshop Elements’ Healing Brush tool, which issimilar in practice to the Clone Stamp tool. You start by clicking and defining a source.Then you “paint” over the area you wish to replace or “heal.” But the Healing Brushtool does much more than simply duplicate and replace pixels. It matches the texture,lighting, transparency, and shading of the sampled pixels to the source pixels. The resultis often a seamless blend that leaves little or no trace of the original underlying flaw. To use the Healing Brush tool to eliminate wrinkles or other small skin blemishes:1. Select the Healing Brush tool ( ) from the toolbar.2. In the options bar, select a brush size. The brush size will vary depending on the target. In general, it’s a good idea to pick a size 30 percent or so larger than the crease of the wrinkle or circumference of the blemish. Hard-edged brushes are usually more effective than soft-edged ones. The Healing Brush tool applies a complex blending algorithm to the edges of the brush, and a soft-edged brush adds a variable to the equation that makes the results unpredictable. 3. From the Healing Brush tool’s options bar, set the remaining options as follows: Mode: Normal. Choosing “Replace” basically turns the Healing Brush tool into a Clone Stamp tool, which isn’t what you want for this exercise. ...