Thông tin tài liệu:
Are they speaking English? Why is pronunciation important ? “I went to the US in 1996 for the first time. Whenever I spoke to a person in America, they kept asking me : "what ? what ?". I would repeat my sentence again and again. Finally, they would say "Ah-ha!" and then repeat my sentence, using exactly my words ! It was embarrassing! I knew my words and grammar were correct but nobody would understand me just because of my pronunciation. I am very motivated to learn English and the right pronunciation and phonetics now” Mike said...
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Are they speaking English?
Are they speaking English?
Why is pronunciation important ?
Why is pronunciation important ?
“I went to the US in 1996 for the first
time. Whenever I spoke to a person in
America, they kept asking me : what ?
what ?. I would repeat my sentence again and
again. Finally, they would say Ahha! and
then repeat my sentence, using exactly my
words ! It was embarrassing! I knew my words
and grammar were correct but nobody would
understand me just because of my
pronunciation. I am very motivated to learn
English and the right pronunciation and
phonetics now” Mike said
“I meet many people with high level
of grammar and vocabulary in English
at work. However, they can't express
themselves correctly because of too many
bad mistakes in pronunciation. I keep
telling them that the key to the good
comprehension and speaking in English
is good pronunciation but they don't
seem to be much worried about that.”
Chantal said
“Pronunciation is important because it makes your first
Many English learners ignore pronunciation. They can
communicate in class, so they think they are good
enough. They say I don't need to study pronunciation.
I just want to communicate in English.
They think that they communicate in English because
they can communicate with their teacher and other
students. You have to remember :
* Your teacher has been listening to bad pronunciation
for years. He or she can understand it much easier than
the average person.” Shilly said
* Other students are usually from the same
* Other students are usually from the same
country as you. therefore, they speak English
like you and they make the same mistakes. So
it's easy for them to understand you.
The good news is that you can work on your
pronunciation until you speak
understandable and pleasant English (good
pronunciation). You can learn the sounds of
English, listen to recordings, watch English
language television, etc. But first you have to
realize there is a problem ! Most English
learners don't.
(thuôc) ổ răng
̣ ̃
nasal (thuôc) mui
hố hôc, ô, khoang
́ ̉
- cavity
['kæviti] ̀ ̣ ̀
- velum vom miêng mêm
['vi:ləm] lưỡi gà (ở trên cổ hong) ̣
- uvula
̀ ̣
- palate vom miêng
palate vom
̀ ̣
- pharynx hâu, hong
́ ̉
- epiglottis năp thanh quan
['færiηks] ̉
- larynx thanh quan
- glottis thanh môn
glottis thanh
liên quan đến phat âm ́
vocal liên
Place of articulation
Manner of Bi- Labio Dental Alveolar Palato- Palatal Velar Glottal
Manner Dental Glottal
articulation labial alveolar
articulation -dental
p b t d k g
f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h
tʃ dʒ
m n ŋ
l r j
Explanation of the table
Explanation of the table
Place of articulation: vị trí cấu âm
Bilabial 2 môi
Labio-dental mặt nhai của hàm răng trên chạm vào phía trong
môi dưới
Dental đầu lưỡi chạm vào bề mặt trong của hàm răng trên
Alveolar đầu lưỡi chạm vào chân răng của hàm răng trên
Palato- Alveolar (post-alveolar): phần thân (trước) lưỡi chạm vào
phần sau của chân răng. (Âm ở nướu, ngạc cứng)
Palatal phần thân (trước) lưỡi chạm vào phần cứng của vòm
Velar phần thân lưỡi chạm vào phần mềm của vòm miệng
Glottal không khí đi từ khí quản thoát qua 2 dây thanh âm