The purpose of this study was to create a media sale clear and easily accessible by the consumer as well as easy to be managed by the smal business (CV. Tanaka Service).
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Sales information system using web for small business (case study: CV. Tanaka service)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1696–1702, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_171
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed
Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto, Emil
Robert Kaburuan
Information Systems Management Department,
BINUS Graduate Program – Master of Information System Managements
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Along with the development of business based on web which is currently have used
information Technology. The efficiency of the business in need is one reason why many
small businesses that implement information technology. It plays a central role that is
essential for the development of small business in theof era the times today, so the small
business should have the ability quickly to adapt to changes that occur. The purpose of
this study was to create a media sale clear and easily accessible by the consumer as
well as easy to be managed by the smal business (CV. Tanaka Service). To that end, it
was the design of information systems do web-based sales. This study will describe the
activities and the products produced at each stage of the web design for CV. Tenaka
Service. The design of this information system is limited only to the extent of information
systems sales and the sales transaction database. At the final stage of the design, be the
implementation of the web-based information system that is designed.
Key words: web, business online, sale information system, information system
Cite this Article: Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto
Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan, Sales Information System using Web for Small
Business (Case Study: CV. Tanaka Service), International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 1696–1702.
At this time information technology is experiencing a very rapid development of both
technology, communication and information along with the growing business needs.
Technology plays a major role that is very important for business. Therefore, who can not keep
up with technological developments, it can be assured that it will be backward.
The development of technology in theera small business considered to be very influential
with the application of information technology in carrying out the business activities of a
company [1]. The application of information technology like web is currently very much needed
especially in a company, both large and small-scale companies [2]. The web needed for 1696
Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Saddam, Sariful Bachtiar, Sfenrianto Sfenrianto, Emil Robert Kaburuan
business transactions anytime and anywhere. It is useful in order to to increase strategic sales
to the wider community and are required to be able to compete with other companies in terms
of information services to customers.
CV Tanaka Service is a small busines in Batam area engaged in the distributor for the sale
of energy saving lamps or better known aslights LED. The sales information system at CV
Tanaka Service is currently still usingmedia facilities Facebook social as a means and
infrastructure for sales, so the scope of the sales sector to all customers is still less reachable,
because only customers who join theaccount of Facebook CV Tanaka Service Batam can access
and knowing about information on products sold, this is because CV Tanaka Service does not
yet have a sales information system. So sales are still using marketing through distribution of
brochures, catalogs, e-mail and posting on youraccount facebook CV Tanaka Service, then the
sale is still minimal and process sales transactions inthe input still manually using a storage
system that is in the record and recorded in the logbook of sales transactions each the day
without storing softcopy on a computer or backing up data in adatabase computer, this causes
documentation to still use manual recording, often when problems occur in searching for sales
transactions it takes a very long time to find the data, so frequent errors in searching transaction
information data sales.
Based on the description of the background and identification of the problems that have
been proposed, the problems to be studied in this study is design a web-based sales information
system at CV Tanaka Service. Thus, the company can use and apply sales information systems-
based web.
Business needs adjustments to keep up with technological changes. The importance of
technology for business can affect the quality of service to customers [3]. In order to create a
perfect quality of service for small businesses, a website needs to be supported [4].
Some studies also state that web factors also support various business activities of small
companies [5] [6]. Some studies also state that web factors also support various business
activities of small companies [7]. The web can make it easier to introduce small business
products that were previously done conventionally [8]. In addition, the web also increases sales
transactions from small companies [9].
The web is a system of accessing information on the internet uses a protocol called HTTP
(HyperText Transfer Protocol) that runs on TCP / IP [10]. By using HyperText, users can jum ...