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SolidWorks 2010- P20: Whether you are a new user of SolidWorks or a professional who wants toimprove your skills, this book was written for you. Learning any softwarecan be difficult at times. You launch the software for the first time, and youfeel overwhelmed, not knowing how to even start a new document. In 3D CADprograms, it can be especially difficult. Many times a whole new vocabulary and awhole new creative environment are introduced.
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SolidWorks 2010- P20 L e a r n T i m e s a v i n g Fe a t u r e s f o r t h e D r a w i n g Te m p l a t e 539 7. Lastly, make sure the Use Document Settings option is enabled in the Border section. This will make it easier to adjust the appearance of the table in the Document Properties if the need arises. 8. With all the appropriate options enabled, click the green check mark and the revision table will be inserted in the drawing template.Saving Changes to the revision Table TemplateJust like with drawing templates, you can make modifications to any of the revi-sion table templates to meet your needs and save the template for future uses. Forthe drawings in this book we need to make a minor change to the revision tablethat we will be using. Rather than just have the change reflected in the drawingtemplate, we will also save the change to the revision table template. The default template that we used does not have a table header designating itas Revision History. We will add this header to the table and save it in the draw-ing template and update the revision table template as well. 1. Select the top row of the revision table to edit the cell. 2. With Caps Lock on, type REVISION HISTORY into the cell. 3. Select the text you just typed, and deselect the Use Document Font but- ton on the Formatting toolbar. We always prefer to have text items in drawings use the document font because when you make a change in the document properties, all the text items will update as well. But for this case, you do not necessarily need to have the table header update.540 C h a p t e r 1 6 • C r e a t i n g Yo u r O w n T e m p l a t e s : P a r t 2 4. After deselecting Use Document Font, an additional row will be added to the Formatting toolbar, allowing you to adjust the font for the selected text. Change the text height of the Revision Table header to 14, and click anywhere outside the table to accept the change. The change you just made to the table will be reflected only in the drawing template and is not automatically made to the actual Revision Table template. To update the Revision Table template, you need to overwrite the existing table temple or create a new one. Here’s how: 1. Right-click anywhere inside the revision table, and select Save As from the menu. 2. Browse to the folder where your revision templates are stored. 3. Select the file named No Zone Column.sldrevtbt, and click Save. 4. When prompted to replace the existing template, click Yes. The tem- plate has now been updated for future use. Save and Share the Sheet Format and Template Once you have made all the required modifications to the drawing template and sheet format, it is time to save the changes and make them available for use. You will need to save the drawing template and sheet format separately since they both have their own set of tasks. The sheet format can be saved and used in existing drawings to change sheet size or format. The drawing template will be used to create new drawings. Save the Sheet Format Saving the sheet format will allow you to be able to use it in existing drawings. This is helpful if you have a drawing that was created with a different template and you want to change the border and title block to meet your company standards. S a v e a n d S h a r e t h e S h e e t Fo r m a t a n d Te m p l a t e 541You can also use saved sheet formats to change the size of a drawing sheet. Forexample, if you have a drawing that was originally created as a size A sheet andyou decide that the sheet is too small, you can replace the sheet format with alarger size sheet without losing any other information you have already added tothe drawing. 1. Once you complete all the modifications to the sheet format, hover over or click the SolidWorks logo on the menu bar. 2. Select Save Sheet Format from the File menu. 3. The Save Sheet Format window should already display the current sheet formats. If that is not the case, browse to the folder that con- tains the other sheet formats available for your system. 4. Instead of overwriting an existing sheet format, renaming the file will O allow you to maintain different sheet formats for differing tasks. For You can refer to the our purposes, name the file b - landscape - FDC.slddrt, as shown Sheet Format Folder in Figure 16.29. Location setting in the System Options window to deter- mine which folder SolidWorks is using. F I g u r e 1 6 . 2 9 Renaming a sheet to incorporate another sheet format 5. Click Save. The newly created sheet format is now available for use in existing drawings.Figure 16.30 shows the sheet format available in the Sheet Properties window.By righ ...