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SolidWorks 2010- P21: Whether you are a new user of SolidWorks or a professional who wants toimprove your skills, this book was written for you. Learning any softwarecan be difficult at times. You launch the software for the first time, and youfeel overwhelmed, not knowing how to even start a new document. In 3D CADprograms, it can be especially difficult. Many times a whole new vocabulary and awhole new creative environment are introduced.
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SolidWorks 2010- P21Glossary570 Glossary A geometric symbols, balloons, and hole call- outs. In drawings, centerlines, center marks, accelerator keys hatches, and blocks are also considered annotations. A combination of keys used to initiate a menu command. Pressing Alt on the key- Anti-Aligned button board will highlight the letters next to the A button used in the Mate PropertyManager menu items. Then pressing the correspond- to set the alignment condition of standard ing letter on the keyboard will initiate the and advanced mates. When selected, the menu item. Anti-Aligned button makes the vectors that Aligned button are normal to the selected faces point in opposite directions. A button used in the Mate PropertyManager to set the alignment condition of standard appearances and advanced mates. When selected, the Appearances are used to add visual proper- Aligned button makes the vectors that are ties to a model, such as color or realistic normal to the selected faces point in the material textures, without affecting the same direction. physical properties of the model. anchor point Appearances/Scenes tab 1. A point in a drawing sheet format used to A tab on the task pane in which appearances attach and anchor tables to prevent them and scenes can be added to the active model. from being moved. 2. The endpoint at the tip of a leader for a note, dimension, or arc other annotation. A single portion of a circle equaling less Angle mate than 360°. A geometric relation between parts in an assembly assembly used to define the angle between the components. A group of parts that when fitted together make a single unit. angle of the revolution assembly configuration The angle covered by a revolved feature where a revolution is equal to or lesser than 360°. A single variation of an assembly with mul- tiple versions. annotations autotransitioning A note or symbol used to specify the design intent of a part, assembly, or drawing. The ability to transition from a line to an arc, Annotations can include notes, flagnotes, or vice versa, without selecting the Arc tool. Glossary 571B buckets Squares seen while rendering an image inbase feature PhotoView 360. The number of buckets seenThe first feature listed in the FeatureManager while rendering corresponds to the numberdesign tree. of cores in the CPU that are working on the rendering.bidirectionalityThe ability for information to be updated ina component’s custom properties when a bill Cof materials is updated, or vice versa. center marksblind hole A cross in a drawing that marks the center of a circle or arc.A hole that has its depth specified by anumerical value rather than referencing Center Rectangle toolgeometry in the part. A sketch tool that sketches a rectangle with aboss center point.A feature that protrudes from a model. centerlinesbottom-up design A type of line used to represent axes of a symmetrical part or feature in a drawing.A design strategy where the individual partsof an assembly are modeled and then put Centerpoint Arc tooltogether to create an assembly. A sketch tool that creates an arc from a cen-box selection terpoint, a start point, and an endpoint.A selection method used in parts, assemblies, chamferand drawings to select entities by dragginga selection box with the mouse pointer. A beveled edge connecting two surfaces orDragging from left to right will select all sketch entities.items that ...