The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P15: Sharon Steuer is the originator of The Illustrator Wow! Books. Whennot working on Wow! books, Sharon is a painter, illustrator, columnistfor, and the author of Creative Thinking in Photoshop:A New Approach to Digital Art. She lives in Connecticut with her cats,Puma and Bear, and radio star husband, Jeff Jacoby. She is extremelygrateful to her co-authors, editors, testers, Wow! team members (pastand present), Adobe, and Peachpit for making this book possible....
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The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P15Judy Stead(Photoshop)This personal piece, entitled Altered States, work was visible. Using the Charcoal Art Brush,began as a scanned marker sketch placed as a Stead added texture to the hair. She thentemplate (see the Layers chapter). In Illustra- printed the composition (shown above right)tor, Judy Stead worked in RGB color mode so onto newsprint drawing paper using an inkjetshe could access the Effect >Artistic filters that printer. She colored specific areas of the draw-are available only for RGB images. Stead traced ing, such as the hair, with pastels. After scan-the template using a Wacom tablet, with a 3 pt ning the drawing into Photoshop, she appliedround Calligraphic brush (Diameter set to Pres- further enhancements using a variety ofsure; Roundness and Angle Fixed). She applied Photoshop brushes, adjusting their size, flow,Effect>Artistic>Rough Pastels (choosing a can- and blending mode. With these brushes, shevas texture and varying the other options) to applied large areas of color to the background,give a hand-drawn appearance to the lines that as well as to both sides of the face. On separatemake up the facial contour. Next, she blocked layers, using Photoshop brushes with variousin large areas of color with filled shapes drawn shapes, textures, opacity, and flow, she addedwith a 3 pt round Calligraphic brush, setting to the drawing until she was satisfied with thethe opacity to Multiply, so the underlying line end result. Chapter 12 Illustrator & Other Programs 395 Timothy Donaldson (Photoshop) Lettering artist Timothy Donaldson takes objects, applied blurs and drop shadows and delight in the difficulty people have associating adjusted transparency. Some of these Photo- his abstract calligraphy, like Ducal (above), with shop treatments can also be achieved using the artwork made with Illustrator. Donaldson cre- Effect menu and the Transparency palette. (See ated every element of the piece using default the Transparency & Appearances and the Live or custom Illustrator Art brushes. He drew each Effects & Graphic Styles chapters for more on object on its own layer. Later, when he opened the Appearance and Transparency palettes and the layered artwork in Photoshop, he selected the Effect menu.)396 Chapter 12 Illustrator & Other ProgramsApril Greiman(Photoshop)April Greiman, of April Greiman Made in Space,took advantage of Illustrators ability to pro- with the Photoshop image, she saved it as aduce resolution-independent vector graphics PSD file. The PSD file was imported into Illustra-when creating this large wall mural for the Cafe tor and text was added. The text was created& Fitness Center at Amgen. Greiman began on several layers with varying opacities. Thewith source photos and original images. In Pho- size of the Illustrator image was 21 inches x 5toshop, she combined the images, adjusted the inches, and the final mural measured 36 feethue, saturation, and opacity and made adjust- x 11.3 feet. The pixels in the Photoshop imagements with levels and curves. A variety of filters were greatly distorted when enlarged to thewere applied to the images, such as Gaussian final mural size. This desired pixelated effectBlur, Motion Blur, Ripple, and Noise. Greiman was combined with crisp text that Illustratorknew that when the image was enlarged, the can produce at any magnification. The finalpixelated effect would enhance the image, just image was output from Illustrator and printedas she wanted. When Greiman was satisfied directly on vinyl. Chapter 12 Illustrator & Other Programs 397 Lance Hidy (Photoshop) Illustrator Lance Hidy photographed hands holding a book several times until he had a natural pose. He scanned the photograph and, in Photoshop, lightened the shadows and other dark tones in the image before print- ing it. On this print, Hidy drew outlines of the hands directly using a fine-tipped pen. Then he scanned the marked print and placed the resulting TIFF file in Illustrator as a tracing tours and details of the hands as he traced with template. He was able to clearly follow the con- Illustrators Pencil tool.398 Chapter 12 Illustrator & Other Programs Chapter 12 Illustrator &David Pounds(Photoshop)David Pounds used to do much of his creative the Eyedropper tool, with the Shift key, to pickwork in Photoshop, but he can now work ...