Thông tin tài liệu:
The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P4: Sharon Steuer is the originator of The Illustrator Wow! Books. Whennot working on Wow! books, Sharon is a painter, illustrator, columnistfor, and the author of Creative Thinking in Photoshop:A New Approach to Digital Art. She lives in Connecticut with her cats,Puma and Bear, and radio star husband, Jeff Jacoby. She is extremelygrateful to her co-authors, editors, testers, Wow! team members (pastand present), Adobe, and Peachpit for making this book possible....
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The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P4up the path itself to make it look the way you want. Swapping fill and strokeYou do this by assigning various attributes to the stroke, When you press the X key byincluding weight (how thick or thin it looks), whether itself, it toggles the Stroke orthe line is solid or dashed, the dash sequence (if the line Fill box to active (in front of theis dashed), and the styles of line joins and line caps. You other) on the Tools and Color pal-can also assign your path a stroke of None, in which case ettes. If you press Shift-X it swapsit wont have a visible stroke at all. (Dashed lines, joins, the actual attributes or contentsand caps are covered in the following section, Expanding of the Stroke and Fill boxes. ForYour Drawing & Coloring Toolset.) example, if you start with a white fill and a black stroke, after youThe many ways to fill or stroke an object press Shift-X you will have a blackTo set the fill or stroke for an object, first select the object fill and a white stroke. Note: Be-and then click on the Fill or Stroke icon near the bottom cause gradients are not allowed onof the Toolbox. (You can toggle between fill and stroke by strokes, Shift-X will not work whenpressing the X key.) If you want to set the objects stroke the current fill is a gradient.or fill to None, use the / key, or click the None button onthe Toolbox or the Color palette (the little white box witha red slash through it). You can set the fill or stroke color you want usingany of the following methods: 1) adjusting the sliders orsampling a color from the color bar in the Color palette;2) clicking on a swatch in the Swatches palette; 3) usingthe Eyedropper tool to sample color from other objects Fill and Stroke section of the Tools palettein your file; or 4) sampling colors from the Color Picker.(To open the Adobe Color Picker, double-click the Fill orStroke icon in the Toolbox or the Color palette.) In addi-tion, you can drag color swatches from palettes to selectedobjects, or to the Fill/Stroke icon in the Toolbox.Color palette The Adobe Color PickerThe Color palette is a collection of tools that allows you tomix and choose the colors for your artwork. In additionto the sliders and edit fields for locating precise colors,this palette includes a None button so you can set yourFill or Stroke to no color at all. The Color palette alsosometimes displays a Last Color proxy; this allows you to The Color palette. The sliders show the settingseasily return to the last color you used before choosing a of the Fill or Stroke color—whichever is in front. Shown on the right is the Last Color proxy (out-pattern, a gradient, or setting None. The Color palettes lined in red); when it appears you can click it to return to the last color used before choosing amenu options include Invert and Complement. Invert pattern or gradient, or setting a style of None Chapter 3 Drawing & Coloring 65 converts a color to its negative color (as in photographic negative). Complement locates the Adobe color comple- ment of a selected color (the complements dont seem to match art school color wheels). If youre doing print work in CMYK mode, youll Color palette and pop-up menu know youve chosen a non-CMYK color if an exclamation point appears on the Color palette. Illustrator will auto- matically correct your color to the nearest CMYK equiva- lent. Click the exclamation point to move the sliders—this will show you the corrected color settings. If youre creating artwork for the Web, you can choose Web safe RGB from the Palette menu, which displays the hexadecimal values fo ...