Thông tin tài liệu:
The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P6: Sharon Steuer is the originator of The Illustrator Wow! Books. Whennot working on Wow! books, Sharon is a painter, illustrator, columnistfor, and the author of Creative Thinking in Photoshop:A New Approach to Digital Art. She lives in Connecticut with her cats,Puma and Bear, and radio star husband, Jeff Jacoby. She is extremelygrateful to her co-authors, editors, testers, Wow! team members (pastand present), Adobe, and Peachpit for making this book possible....
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P6Chris Bucheit / DesignTimeMusician and artist Chris Bucheit decided to with gold, brown and reddish-brown colors,show his graphic design class the step-by- and then used the Direct Selection tool tostep process of creating the CD packaging for select and move points on each lens object sohis groups latest album. Bucheit began with that all four objects were of different shapes.pencil sketches that he scanned and placed He moved the objects together to adjoin orin Illustrator. To lend a painterly look to the slightly overlap and then dragged the artworkartwork, Bucheit used gradient meshes, gra- to the Brushes palette. In the New Brush dia-dients, and transparency. For the mermaids log box he specified Art Brush and in the Arthair, Bucheit created custom art brushes that Brush Options dialog he gave the new brush atapered at both ends. To do this, he drew a lens descriptive name. After making several customshape with the Pen that he copied and pasted brushes, he drew strands of hair with the Pento produce four objects. He filled the objects tool and applied the art brushes to them. Chapter 4 Brushes & Symbols 125 Ink Brush Strokes Making Naturalistic Pen and Ink Drawings Overview: Adjust the Paintbrush tool settings; customize a Calligraphic brush; trace or draw your composi- tion; experiment by using other brushes to stroke the paths. Its easy to create spontaneous painterly and calligraphic marks in Illustrator—perhaps easier than in any other digital medium. And then after creating these highly variable, responsive strokes (using a graphics tablet and a pressure-sensitive, pen-like stylus), you can edit those strokes as paths, or experiment by applying different brushes to the existing paths. This portrait of Sylvie was drawn using one custom Calligraphic Brush and a pres- sure-sensitive Wacom tablet. 1 If you are tracing artwork, prepare your template layer. You can draw directly into Illustrator, but if you want to trace a scanned photo or sketch, youll need to The composite photo of Sylvie saved as TIFF and placed as an Illustrator template layer prepare an image to use as a template layer. For her tem- plate image, Steuer scanned photos of Sylvie taken by Maintaining your pressure photographer Susan Wilson ( and Only brush strokes initially drawn composited them together in Photoshop. She then saved with pressure-sensitive settings the composite in TIFF format, and placed the TIFF as a can take advantage of pressure- template layer in Illustrator. To place a TIFF or Photo- sensitivity. Also be aware that shop image as a template layer, choose File > Place, locate reapplying a brush after trying your file when prompted, enable the Template check another may alter the stroke box, and click the Place button. Toggle between hiding shape. and showing the template layer using -Shift-W126 Chapter 4 Brushes & Symbols (Mac)/Ctrl-Shift-W (Win), or by clicking in the visibility column in the Layers palette (the icon for a template layer is a tiny triangle/circle/square, instead of the Eye icon).2 Setting your Paintbrush Tool Preferences and cus- tomizing a Calligraphic brush. In order to sketch freely and with accurate detail, youll need to adjust the default Paintbrush tool settings. Double-click the Paintbrush Customizing the Paintbrush Tool Preferences tool in the Tools palette to open Paintbrush Tool Prefer- ences. Drag the Fidelity and Smoothness sliders all the way to the left and disable the Fill new brush strokes and Keep Selected options. To create a custom brush, select a Calligraphic brush (one of the first brushes in the default Brushes palette). Then click the New B ...