The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P7: Sharon Steuer is the originator of The Illustrator Wow! Books. Whennot working on Wow! books, Sharon is a painter, illustrator, columnistfor, and the author of Creative Thinking in Photoshop:A New Approach to Digital Art. She lives in Connecticut with her cats,Puma and Bear, and radio star husband, Jeff Jacoby. She is extremelygrateful to her co-authors, editors, testers, Wow! team members (pastand present), Adobe, and Peachpit for making this book possible....
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P7 Layers156 Introduction160 Controlling the Stacking Order of Objects162 Making Selections using the Layers Palette163 Gallery: David Nelson/Mapping Services164 Digitizing a Logo: Controlling Your Illustrator Template166 Tracing Details: Tracing Intricate Details with the Pencil168 Colors with Layers: Coloring Black & White Images with Layers170 Organizing Layers: Managing Custom Layers and Sublayers173 Gallery: Nancy Stahl174 Nested Layers: Organizing with Layers and Sublayers176 Advanced Technique: Varied Perspective: Analyzing Different Views of Perspective Layers Layers palette navigation Used wisely, layers can ease your workflow by dramati- cally improving organization of complicated artwork. Think of layers as sheets of clear acetate, stacked one on top of the other, allowing you to separate dozens of objects and groups of objects. New documents begin with one layer, but you can create as many layers and sublayers as you wish. You can also re-arrange the stacking order of the layers; lock, hide, or copy layers; and move or copy • To hide a layer, click the Eye objects from one layer to another. You can even open a icon. Click again to show it. layer to view and identify and select individual paths or • To lock a layer, click in the col- groups contained within a layer! umn to the right of the eye (a A few shortcuts will help when youre adding layers lock displays). Click again to to the Layers palette. Click the Create New Layer icon to unlock. add a layer in numeric sequence above the current layer. • To Lock/Unlock or Show/Hide all Hold Option/Alt when you click this icon to open Layer other layers, Option-click (Mac) Options as you add the layer. To add a layer to the top of or Alt-click (Win) on a layers the Layers palette, hold /Ctrl when you click the Create Lock or Eye icon. New Layer icon. To make a new layer below the current • To duplicate a layer, drag it to layer and open the Layer Options, hold -Option/Ctrl- either the Create New Layer or Alt when you click the Create New Layer icon. Finally, Create New Sublayer icon. you can easily duplicate a layer, sublayer, group, or path • To select multiple contiguous by dragging it to the Create New Layer icon at the bottom layers, click one layer, then of the Layers palette. To delete selected layers, click on the Shift-click the other. To select Trash icon or drag the layers to the Trash. (See Tip at left.) (or deselect) any multiple layers, Note: To bypass the warning that youre about to delete -click (Mac) or Ctrl-click (Win) a layer containing artwork, drag the layer to the Trash or a layer in any order. hold Option (Mac)!Alt (Win) when you click the Trash. If • Double-click any layer to open youre not sure whether a layer has artwork or guides you Layer Options for that layer. may need, select the layer and click the Trash so youll only get the warning if there is something on the layer. Sublayers can help you to stay organized. Sublayers are contained within the layer listed above them, if you delete a container layer, all of its sublayers will be deleted as well. WARNING: Sublayers may not export properly to other programs (see the Shape Shifting lesson in the Illustrator Layer Options (double-click a layer name) & Other Programs chapter for one instance).156 Chapter 5 Layers Using Layer Options Color-coding groups of layers You can double-click on any group, path, compound Select a set of layers and double- path, clipping path, blend, mesh, guide, type, object, click any one of the layers to open placed object, or raster object in the Layers palette to set the Layer Options dialog box. Options such ...