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The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P15:Before you dive into the first chapter, be sure to download the content and images You will see the title of the book in boldand below that, you will find the files you need. Please download the files for each chapterand place them into a main folder named Tutorials. You will be asked to referencethe images from that folder as you work through the tutorials throughout the book. Ofcourse you will need Poser Pro and Photoshop CS4 as well....
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P15408 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.32 Establish the shadows on the character Figure 8.33 Import a new object from Poser Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 409 Figure 8.34Edit the texture and save it to update the 3D file Figure 8.35 Results of the 3D file after editing its textures410 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide13. Reduce the size of the second character and place it into the background, as shown in Figure 8.36. Figure 8.36 Reduce the size of the second character and place it in the background14. Alter your background layer into a smart filter (choose Filters > Smart Filter) and apply a Gaussian blur (choose Blur > Gaussian Blur), as shown in Figure 8.37. The goal is to establish a shallow depth of field so that you can focus your attention on the character in the foreground. This also creates a greater sense of depth.15. Repeat Step 14, applying the same technique to the duplicated background layer currently designated as layer 1 in Figure 8.38.16. You need the foreground elements to be in sharp focus, so apply a gradient mask to the smart filter in layer 1 so that the gradient starts with black to the left and ends with white to the right. This will give the effect of the depth of focus falling off toward the background, as shown in Figure 8.39.17. Because the figure in the background is standing in sunlight, you need to brighten him up a bit by applying a Levels adjustment layer as a clipping path. See Figure 8.40. Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 411 Figure 8.37Apply a smart filter to the background and add aGaussian blur Figure 8.38Apply a smart filter to the background and add aGaussian blur to layer 1412 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.39 Apply a gradi- ent to the smart filter in layer 1 Figure 8.40 Apply a Levels adjustment layer to the figure in the background Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 413 Select the layer that represents the figure in the background as well as its Levels adjustment layer and convert it into a smart object. Simply right-click on the selected layers and choose Convert to Smart Object from the submenu, as shown in Figure 8.41. Figure 8.41 Convert theselected layers to smart objects 18. Once you have created the smart object, apply a Gaussian blur so that the figure appears to integrate into the out-of-focus areas of the background content. See Figure 8.42. 19. The rear character appears to be floating off of the ground because there is no shadow to provide a visual anchoring point. So, click and release on the layer to cre- ate a selection from the pixels on the layer. See Figure 8.43. 20. With this selection still active, create a new layer and fill it with black. Next, use ...