Thông tin tài liệu:
The primary purpose of this study is to explain how and when customer experience benefits the company. Built upon Customer-Dominant Logic, Social Identity theory and Need for cognition, the study propose that customer experience leads to customer engagement behavior via two routes: customer-firm and customer-employee identification.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
The dissertation of economic doctor: Does customer experience always benefit service companies? Examining customers’ epistemic motivation and interaction with service contexts MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY -------------------------------- VU THI MAI CHIDOES CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ALWAYS BENEFITSERVICE COMPANIES? EXAMINING CUSTOMERS’EPISTEMIC MOTIVATION AND INTERACTION WITH THE BEAUTY SERVICE CONTEXTS THE DISSERTATION OF ECONOMIC DOCTOR Ho Chi Minh city – 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY -------------------------------- VU THI MAI CHIDOES CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ALWAYS BENEFITSERVICE COMPANIES? EXAMINING CUSTOMERS’EPISTEMIC MOTIVATION AND INTERACTION WITH THE BEAUTY SERVICE CONTEXTS Major : Business Administration ID : 9340101 THE DISSERTATION OF ECONOMIC DOCTOR Academic advisors: Assoc. Prof. TRAN HA MINH QUAN Ho Chi Minh city – 2022 DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITYI would like to declare that, the thesis “Does customer experience always benefitservice companies? Examining customers’ epistemic motivation and interaction withservice contexts” is my own and conducted with the instruction and advice of Assoc.Prof. Tran Ha Minh Quan. Apart from the acknowledged references, there are no anymaterials previously published or written by another authors, or has not beenpreviously submitted to any other educational and research programs or institutions.I take full responsibility for the legality of the whole scientific research process ofthis dissertation. Vu Thi Mai Chi i ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFirst and foremost, I am sincerely acknowledging the managing boards of IndustrialUniversity of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) and University of Economics Ho Chi MinhCity (UEH) for offering me the chance of studying PhD and financially supportingmy study.I would like to thank my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. TRAN HA MINH QUAN makesme a better reader, a better thinker, and a better writer. His constant guidance,invaluable suggestions, and deep research insights have immensely shaped this study.This dissertation would never have been written without their kind and patientassistance.I am also very grateful to Assoc. Prof. NGO VIET LIEM for his help with thevaluable comments, suggestions, and ideas.I would also like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to all my kindlycolleagues and friends who had contributed to the completion of this study.Above all, the dissertation is dedicated to my beloved parents, my son, who have beenencouraging me along the way. ii TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY ......................................................................ACKNOWLEDGMENTS........................................................................................... iLIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................vLIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................... viABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. viiTÓM TẮT ............................................................................................................... viiiCHAPTER 1 - RESEARCH OVERIEW ....................................................................1 1.1. Precursors and rationales of the research ....................................................1 1.2. Research gaps ..............................................................................................4 1.3. Research aims ..............................................................................................7 1.4. Research objectives and questions ..............................................................8 1.5. Research context ..........................................................................................9 1.5.1. Beauty service industry....................................................................10 1.5.2. Beauty service industry in Vietnam .................................................12 1.5.3. Beauty salon service ........................................................................15 1.5.4. Beauty salon service in Vietnam .....................................................16 1.6. Key terms ...................... ...