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từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học Page 22 Friday, January 16, 2004 3:10 PM
b /bi /, B noun the second letter of the al-
back up phrasal verb 1. to help or sup-
phabet, between A and C port someone Nobody would back her
up when she complained about the serv-
baby / bebi/ noun 1. a very young child
ice. Will you back me up in the vote?
Most babies start to walk when they
2. to make a car go backwards Can
are about a year old. I’ve known him
you back up, please – I want to get out
since he was a baby. 2. a very young an-
of the parking space.
imal a baby rabbit (NOTE: The plural
background / b k raυnd/ noun 1. the
is babies. If you do not know if a baby
part of a picture or view which is behind
is a boy or a girl, you can refer to it as
all the other things that can be seen
it: The baby was sucking its thumb.)
The photograph is of a house with
back /b k/ noun 1. the part of the body
mountains in the background. His
which is behind you, between the neck white shirt stands out against the dark
and top of the legs She went to sleep background. Compare foreground in
lying on her back. He carried his son the background while other more obvi-
on his back. Don’t lift that heavy box, ous or important things are happening 2.
you may hurt your back. 2. the opposite the experiences, including education
part to the front of something He and family life, which someone has had
wrote his address on the back of the en- He comes from a working class back-
velope. She sat in the back of the bus ground. Her background is in the res-
and went to sleep. The dining room is taurant business. 3. information about a
at the back of the house. í adjective 1. situation What is the background to
on the opposite side to the front He the complaint?
knocked at the back door of the house.
backward / b kwəd/ adverb US same
The back tyre of my bicycle is flat. 2. (of
as backwards
money) owed from an earlier date
backwards / b kwədz/ adverb from
back pay í adverb 1. towards the back
the front towards the back Don’t step
of something She looked back and
backwards. ‘Tab’ is ‘bat’ spelt back-
waved at me as she left. 2. in the past
wards. backwards and forwards in
back in the 1950s 3. in the state that
one direction, then in the opposite direc-
something was previously Put the tel-
tion The policeman was walking
ephone back on the table. She
backwards and forwards in front of the
watched him drive away and then went
back into the house. She gave me back
bacon / bekən/ noun meat from a pig
the money she had borrowed. I’ll bacon
phone you when I am back in the office. which has been treated with salt or
(NOTE: Back is often used after verbs: smoke, usually cut into thin pieces
to give back, to go back, to pay
bacteria /b k təriə/ plural noun very
back, etc.) í verb 1. to go backwards,
small living things, some of which can
or make something go backwards He cause disease (NOTE: The singular is
backed or backed his car out of the ga-
rage. 2. to encourage and support a per-
bacterial /b k təriəl/ adjective caused
son, organisation, opinion or activity,
by bacteria a bacterial infection
sometimes by giving money Her col-
This is trial version bad /b d/ adjective 1. causing problems,
leagues were willing to back the propos-
al. to put someone’s back up to an- or likely to cause problems Eating too
noy someone ...