Thông tin tài liệu:
Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P3: Learning Adobe Photoshop is essential to success in digital media industries.Photoshop is a gateway into several related technologies. From digital image acquisitionand processing to typography and compositing, Photoshop is often your fi rstintroduction. If you can master this program, you can go on to success with severalother technologies. With this in mind, it is important to learn Photoshop with oneeye on the present and the other on the future.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4- P348 Chapter 4 Sizing Digital Images 7. Click the Commit button or press Return/ Enter. The resulting image should appear as if the photo was squared and the camera was level. Rotate Canvas Command Sometimes your image will need to be rotated or fl ipped. Loading your image upside down on the scanner, loading a slide backwards into a slide scanner, or turning the camera on its side when taking a portrait often causes inverted or reverse images. You may also want to make a change to your image for compositional purposes. The Rotate Canvas command offers several choices. You can choose to rotate the image 180˚ (half a rotation), 90˚ clockwise or counterclock- wise, or an arbitrary amount (the user types in a number of degrees). Additionally, the entire can- vas can be fl ipped (creating a mirrored image). You can choose to fl ip the canvas horizontally or vertically: 1. Open the image Ch04_Ro- tate.tif from the Chapter 4 folder. 2. Choose Image > Rotate Canvas 90˚ CCW (coun- terclockwise). The image is now properly oriented. Free Transform Command The Free Transform command is another useful way to rotate and size an image. It works best when you have an object located on its own layer or if you have an active selection. You’ll explore selections and layers in much greater detail in future chapters. For now, let’s work with a simple layered image that has already been prepped. Resizing an Image 491. Open the fi le Ch04_Free_Transform_ Basic.psd.2. This image has two layers: a background, which is a gradient, and a vector shape layer. A vector layer is a special layer in Photoshop. It can be resized and transformed repeatedly with no degradation in quality. Vector layers use math to describe curves and can be freely manipulated.3. If it’s not visible, call up the Layers panel by selecting Windows > Layers.4. Select the Vector Shape layer so it is active.5. Choose Edit > Free Transform or press Command/Ctrl+T.You can access several controls for the Free Transform commandby right-clicking/Control-clicking. Try the following transforma-tions on the Vector Shape layer. You can press the Esc key tocancel the transformation or Return/Enter to apply it.• Scale: You can scale by dragging a handle. Hold down the 12 VIDEO TRAINING Shift key as you drag a corner handle to scale proportionately. Free Transform Command Hold down the Option/Alt key to scale in both directions simultaneously. To scale numerically, enter a value in the Options bar.• Rotate: You can choose to rotate a preset amount by select- ing Rotate 180˚, Rotate 90˚ CW, or Rotate 90˚ CCW. To rotate freely by dragging, move your mouse outside the Free Transform ...