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Bài giảng "Marketing công nghiệp - Chapter 9: Pricing in business marketing" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Special meaning of price, factors influencing pricing decision 3, pricing methods and strategies, pricing policies, commercial terms and conditions
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Bài giảng Marketing công nghiệp: Chapter 9 - Ph.D. Đinh Tiến Minh1/3/2017Chapter 9Pricing in Business Marketingwww.dinhtienminh.netDINH Tien Minh (Ph.D.)University of Economics HCMCObjectivesExamine the special meaning of price.Understand and analyze the factors influencingthe pricing decisions.Study the different price-setting methods andpricing strategies.Learn pricing policies for different types ofcustomersExamine the practical aspects of commercialterms and conditions.Describe the role of leasing in businessMarketing.2Content9.1 Special Meaning of Price9.2 Factors influencing Pricing Decision9.3 Pricing Methods and Strategies9.4 Pricing Policies9.5 Commercial Terms and Conditions9.6 Role of Leasing311/3/20179.1 Special meaning of PriceWhat do you think when a businessbuyer buys a product from XYZsupplier which is in competitionwith several other suppliers of thesimilar product?49.1 Special meaning of Price (con’t)Quality of materialsProductionManagerReliability of deliveryLowest costPerceptionof ValueFinancialManagerLiberal paymentReputationPurchaseManagerDependablesalespersonKrishna K Havaldar (2010), Business Marketing, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, p313.59.1 Special meaning of Price (con’t)PriceTransportationcostTotal costTransit insurancecostInstallation costRisk costProduct failureLate deliveryPoor technicalsupportKrishna K Havaldar (2010), Business Marketing, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, p313.621/3/20179.1 Special meaning of Price (con’t)Price Should Align with Value79.1 Special meaning of Price (con’t)89.1 Special meaning of Price (con’t)In out of over 100 purchase decisions, the lowest pricebidder was not selected in over 40% of the cases*.Source: J. Patrick Kelly and James W. Coaker, “Can we generalize about choicecriteria for industrial purchasing decisions?”, in Kenneth L. Bernhardt, ed.,Marketing: 1776-1976 and beyond (Chicago: AMA, 1976), pp330-33.931/3/20179.2 Factors influencing Pricing DecisionCustomerperceptions ofvalueOther Internal &ExternalconsiderationsProduct costsPrice ceilingPrice floorNo demand abovethis priceNo profits belowthis priceSource: Philip KOTLER, Gary AMSTRONG (2008), Principle of Marketing, 12th edition,Pearson Education International, Prentice Hall, p.267109.2 Factors influencing Pricing Decision1. Pricing objectives2. Demand analysisPricingdecision3. Cost analysis4. Competition analysis5. Government regulationsKrishna K Havaldar (2010), Business Marketing, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, p313.119.2 Factors influencing Pricing DecisionSurvivalMaximum short-termprofits1. PricingobjectivesProduct-QualityleadershipSuperiorqualitySlightly higherpriceMarket penetrationMarket skimmingBe regarded fairby customersOther pricingobjectivesTry to stabilize themarketMeeting thecompetitionKrishna K Havaldar (2010), Business Marketing, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, p314.1241/3/20179.2 Factors influencing Pricing Decision2. Demand analysisP’2P2P’1P1Q2 Q1Inelastic demandQ’2Q’1Elastic demand139.2 Factors influencing Pricing DecisionExample 1: If a manufacturer of steel sheets increasesthe price by 2% and the demand (quantity sold) falls by5%, what is the price elasticity of demand in this case?Example 2: If a machine tools manufacturer decreasesthe price by 10% and the demand (quantity sold) rises by5%, what is the price elasticity of demand in this case?149.2 Factors influencing Pricing DecisionConditions determining price elasticity of demand: There are few competitors. No availability of substitute products from otherindustries. The buyers think the higher prices are justified bynormal inflation or change in governmentpolicies. The products are technically sophisticated,customized, or important for buyer’s operation.155