Clinical ManifestationsFood-Borne Botulism After ingestion of food containing toxin, illness varies from a mild condition for which no medical advice is sought to very severe disease that canresult in death within 24 h. The incubation period is usually 18–36 h but, depending on toxin dose, can range from a few hours to several days. Symmetric descending paralysis is characteristic and can lead to respiratory failure and death. Cranial nerve involvement, which almost always marks the onset of symptoms, usually produces diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia, and/or dysphagia. Weakness progresses, often rapidly, from the head to involve the neck, arms, thorax, and...
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Chapter 134. Botulism (Part 2) Chapter 134. Botulism (Part 2) Clinical Manifestations Food-Borne Botulism After ingestion of food containing toxin, illness varies from a mildcondition for which no medical advice is sought to very severe disease that canresult in death within 24 h. The incubation period is usually 18–36 h but,depending on toxin dose, can range from a few hours to several days. Symmetricdescending paralysis is characteristic and can lead to respiratory failure and death.Cranial nerve involvement, which almost always marks the onset of symptoms,usually produces diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia, and/or dysphagia. Weaknessprogresses, often rapidly, from the head to involve the neck, arms, thorax, andlegs; occasionally, weakness is asymmetric. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominalpain may precede or follow the onset of paralysis. Dizziness, blurred vision, drymouth, and very dry, occasionally sore throat are common. Patients are generallyalert and oriented, but they may be drowsy, agitated, and anxious. Typically, theyhave no fever. Ptosis is frequent; the pupillary reflexes may be depressed, andfixed or dilated pupils are noted in half of patients. The gag reflex may besuppressed, and deep tendon reflexes may be normal or decreased. Sensoryfindings are usually absent. Paralytic ileus, severe constipation, and urinaryretention are common. Wound Botulism Wound botulism occurs when the spores contaminating a wound germinateand form vegetative organisms that produce toxin. This rare condition resemblesfood-borne illness except that the incubation period is longer, averaging about 10days, and gastrointestinal symptoms are lacking. Wound botulism has beendocumented after traumatic injury involving contamination with soil; in injectiondrug users, for whom black-tar heroin use has been identified as a risk factor; andafter cesarean delivery. The illness has occurred even after antibiotics have beengiven to prevent wound infection. When present, fever is probably attributable toconcurrent infection with other bacteria. The wound may appear benign. Intestinal Botulism In intestinal botulism, toxin is produced in and absorbed from the intestineafter the germination of ingested spores. Intestinal botulism in infants (infantbotulism) is the most common form of botulism. The severity ranges from mildillness with failure to thrive to fulminant severe paralysis with respiratory failure.Infant botulism may be one cause of sudden infant death. The identification ofcontaminated honey as one source of spores has led to the recommendation thathoney not be fed to children (See also Chap. 214) Botulinum toxin could be dispersed as an aerosol(producing inhalational botulism) or as a contaminant in material to be ingested(producing food-borne botulism). Inhalational botulism resembles food-borneillness, but gastrointestinal symptoms are absent. Botulism follows adsorption oftoxin from mucosal surfaces (gut, lung) and wounds, but the toxin does notpenetrate intact skin. As a toxin-mediated illness, botulism is noncommunicable,and standard isolation precautions are sufficient. Features suggestive of anoutbreak due to deliberate release of botulinum toxin are shown in Table 134-1. Table 134-1 Features of Outbreaks Suggesting Deliberate Release ofBotulinum Toxina Outbreak of a large number of cases of acute flaccid paralysis withprominent bulbar palsies Outbreak with an unusual botulinum toxin type (i.e., type C, D, F, or G ortype E toxin not associated with food of aquatic origin) Outbreak with a common geographic factor among cases (e.g., airport,work location) but without a common dietary exposure (i.e., features suggestingan aerosol attack) Multiple simultaneous outbreaks with no common source a A careful travel and activity history, as well as a dietary history, should betaken in any suspected botulism outbreak. Patients should also be asked whetherthey know of other persons with similar symptoms. Source: Reproduced with permission of the publisher from Arnon et al,2002.