Thông tin tài liệu:
Overall objective: Through assessing the status and analysis of the influential factors, the thesis proposed solutions to economic development in new rural construction towards urbanization in the town of Pho Yen, Thai Nguyen province in the following years.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Summary of doctoral dissertation: Economic development in new rural construction towards urbanization in Pho Yen town, Thai Nguyen province THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY LE VAN BAY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NEW RURAL CONSTRUCTION TOWARDSURBANIZATION IN PHO YEN TOWN, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Major: Rural Development Code: 9620116 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION RURAL DEVELOPMENT THAI NGUYEN - 2021 2 The work was completed at UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY – THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITYScientific supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Van Son 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Anh TaiReviewer 1:Review 2:Review 3: The dissertation will be defended in front of the Committee at theUniversity level held at UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY - THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY At ...... time ...... date month 2021 The dissertation can be found at: National Library Thai Nguyen University Learning Resource Centre Library of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry LIST OF PUBLICATIONS RELATED TO THE THESIS1. Le Van Bay, Duong Van Son (2021), Some solutions to develop theagricultural economy in new rural construction towards urbanization inPho Yen town, Thai Nguyen province, Journal of Science and Technologyof Thai University Nguyen, 226 (01), p. 127-134.2. Le Van Bay, Do Anh Tai (2021), Promoting the development of socio-economic infrastructure for economic development in the construction ofnew rural areas towards urbanization in Pho Yen town, ThaiNguyen , Journal Economic Journal of Asia - Pacific, No. 590, p. 45 - 47. 4 PREAMBLE1. Urgency of the topic The National Target Program on New Rural Construction for theperiod 2010-2020 oriented economic development in new ruralconstruction such as: building new rural areas with modern socio-economic infrastructure; appropriate economic structure and forms ofproduction; linking agriculture with the rapid development of industry andservices; attaching rural development with urban areas according toplanning; the material and spiritual life of residents is increasinglyimproved. Pho Yen town, located in the south of Thai Nguyen province,adjacent to Hanoi capital, is a centre of industry, services, trafficconnection. This makes the area play an important role in promoting thesocio-economic development of the south of Thai Nguyen province. Froma purely agricultural district, agricultural production is the main, up tonow, the economic structure of Pho Yen has shifted towards industry-construction; services and agro-forestry. Over the years, Pho Yen Town has always encouraged local peopleto actively shift production and business activities, which created anemulation movement for economic development, hunger eradication andpoverty alleviation. As a result, many households have boldly pioneered ingetting rich with effective economic development models; actively builtnew rural areas. Hence, rural areas of the town have witnessed more andmore changes. In addition, the issue of rural urbanization, one of the spearheads ofnew rural construction and rural economic development, to ensuremodern infrastructure associated with the development of production,trade, and services in rural areas in Pho Yen town has not been given dueattention. From the above problems, the research aims to analyse the statusof rural economic development of Pho Yen, point out the advantages andlimitations as well as proposed solutions, methods to improve the speedand efficiency of economic development. Especially, the rural economy innew rural construction towards urbanization in Pho Yen is very importantto help a potential town like Pho Yen breakthrough and developrapidly. Therefore, conduction of research Economic development innew rural construction towards urbanization in Pho Yen town, ThaiNguyen province has scientific and practical significance for Pho Yentown, a young urban area with many large industrial parks, adjacent toHanoi capital.2. Research objective2.1. General objective Through assessing the status and analysis of the influential factors,the thesis proposed solutions to economic development in new ruralconstruction towards urbanization in the town of Pho Yen, Thai Nguyenprovince in the following years.2.2. Specific objectives - Systematizing the theoretical and practical literature abouteconomic development in the new rural construction towardsurbanization. - Assessing the current situation ...