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Tài liệu Mẫu kế hoạch kinh doanhA Business Plan for Inner City Apparel Retail Providing the Latest in Hip Hop and Urban Fashions December 5, 2002Executive SummaryImage Fashions is a retailing concept that addresses an unmet demand and it will target a profitable emergingmarket that is affluent, accessible and trend setting. This market is America’s inner city, and, in Chicago alone,there is an estimated gap of $631M between demand and supply. To fill a portion of this gap, Image Fashionswill provide the latest in high-end urban and hip-hop apparel to ethnic groups and minorities on the Southside ofChicago.Historically, retailers have avoided the inner city because of perceived characteristics, whether founded orunfounded, and poor statistical information. Statistically, retailers have relied exclusively on per capita income todetermine the purchasing power of neighborhoods; hence most retailers have focused on the wealthy Northsideof Chicago and the suburbs. However, this metric ignores the competitive advantages of the inner city,specifically population density, spending patterns and ethnic diversity. When these factors are accounted for, theretail purchasing power of the Southside inner city is comparable to any location in Chicago.Image Fashions’ primary market is the African Americans and Hispanics between 12-34 years of age whopopulate these neighborhoods. This population is very fashion conscious and, on average, spends 30% more onapparel then their white counterparts. They view their clothes as an expression of their personality and astatement of their connection to the latest icons and popular trends. However, it is very difficult for this group topurchase fashionable clothes. Typically, they must spend an hour or more on public transportation to go toMichigan Avenue. Once there, they may have difficulty finding ethnic brands, or they are shadowed by security,who automatically assume they will steal something. Image Fashions will offer these fashionable products, but itwill offer these products in a professional and respectful manner in the customers’ neighborhoods.Image Fashions, with its professional management team, has identified a 5 mile radius that spends approximately$220M annually on apparel and has very little competition. By capturing a small percentage of this value, ImageFashions will be one of the most profitable apparel retailers in the United States. Image Fashions will capture1.4%, or $3.0M, of this market’s gross revenue, and will deliver the Net Income highlighted in this RevenueSummary. Image Fashions, LLC Revenue Summary (in $000s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Net Revenue $ 793.9 $ 2,415.3 $ 2,855.5 $ 3,001.6 $ 3,155.1 Cost of Goods Solds $ 381.8 $ 1,161.6 $ 1,373.3 $ 1,443.5 $ 1,517.4 Gross Income $ 412.1 $ 1,253.7 $ 1,482.2 $ 1,558.0 $ 1,637.7 Operating Expenses $ 508.3 $ 637.4 $ 681.0 $ 703.5 $ 727.5 Net Income from Operations $ (101.0) $ 611.5 $ 796.4 $ 849.8 $ 905.5 Other (Income) or Expenses $ 95.7 $ 321.4 $ 384.8 $ 394.7 $ 404.5 Net Income $ (196.7) $ 290.1 $ 411.6 $ 455.1 $ 500.9Image Fashions will capture this market share and be fully operational within 18 months of opening byaccomplishing 3 goals. First, Image Fashions will be tailored to meet the needs of the local customer. ImageFashions will offer products and labels that are not traditionally carried by department stores. It will carry brandsfrom designers, suc h as Sean John, Phat Farm, FUBU and Coogi. These labels, often developed by hip- hopentertainers, are appealing to the market, and they allow the wearer to be associated with their favorite icons.To ensure the proper mix of products and labels, Image Fashions will hire a buyer with experience in this marketand hire sales associates from the target market. By hiring students from the target market as sales associates,they can aid the buyer in determining the latest trends and most fashionable clothing.Second, Image Fashions will focus on operational excellence. Image Fashions will provide a service orientatedshopping experience that will allow customers to be treated with respect while pu ...