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Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh: Phần 2

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Để rèn luyện thêm từ vựng, học sinh có thể làm các chương từ I đến V ( Multiple choice Tests, Lexical Core Tests, open close Tests, Word fornation và Trios of Gapped Sentences). Các chương VI (Sentence Completion). VII (Sentence transformation) và VIII (Error Correction) dùng cho việc rèn luyện kĩ năng nhận biết cấu trúc câu.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh: Phần 2 e a sie r sin c e a s tr o n a u ts w ill no a n y lo n g er 13.............. h a v e to w o rry a b o u t th o ir d aily d ie ts. 14.............. T h is still r e m a in s a n v e ry op en m a rk e t! 15............... 27. A D R EA M As I am a u n iv e r s ity s tu d e n t I s tu d y h a r d a n d e a c h n ig h t w h e n 0 ...... ỵ I w ill íĩn is h m y s tu d ie s I p u t aw ay m y boo k s a n d p u t o n oó.... will m y tr a in in g sh o es. M y s is te r, w ho lives in a n o th e r to w n , sh e 1................ b r o u g h t th e m b a c k m y tr a in in g sh o e s fro m E u ro p e a s a b ir th d a y 2 ................ p re s e n t. T h e y a re j u s t r ig h t fo r jo g g in g a ro u n d th e tra c k . 3................ A fte r jo g g in g for th e f ir s t la p I p u s h m y se lf so h a r d e r 4 ................. a n d h a r d e r fo r th e seco n d lap . M y r u n n in g sty le soon b eco m es 5 ................. c o m fo rta b le a n d e ffectiv e fo r th e r e s t o f th e w h o le w ay. I 6................ hope t h a t to im p ro v e m y sty le so t h a t I do n o t feel a n y 7 ................ tig h tn e s s in th e leg m u sc le s. I a m re a lly lo o k in g fo rw a rd m u c h 8............... to ta k in g p a r t in m y íĩr s t U n iv e rs ity G a m e s w h e re I w ill b e 9 ............... r e p r e s e n tin g m y y e a r. I f all goes w ell th e n I c a n e x p e ct to 10............. ach iev e a t a good tim e w h ic h w ill h e lp m e to b e c h o sen fo r th e 11............. O lym pic G am es. I t w ill b e a m o m e n t full o f e x c ite m e n t fee lin g s 12............. fo r m e. I p la n o n to c o n tin u e m y s tu d ie s a s w ell as m y tr a in in g 13.............. u n til m y d re a m is b e in g achieved. M y fre e tim e w ill b e lim ite d 14............. b u t it w ill b e w o r th it in th e en d . 15............. 28. A E R IC A N M O D E L S Talent scouts are looking for the next generation of supermodels have 0.....are realised Africa's potential. Lyndsey Mclntyre, a íormer model herselt, recently 00 ỵ opened one agency's first Aírican ottice. “Atrican women are being graceíul 1............... and serene' she says, “These qualities could to make them do very well in 2............. this business.' Hovvever, spotting supermodels is rarely easy, as well Mclntyre 3............. discovered when she visited the Orma tribe of remote north-eastern Kenya, 4............. whose the women are reported to be especially striking. “The tribal leaders 5.............. were a bit suspicious and I wasn’t allovved to be meet many of their girls,' 6.............. she explains. Another problem is that reports aren't always reliable. Mclntyre 7............. discovered this when one of village’s “most beautitul girls' turned out to be 8............. its heaviest ones, She had to explain that VVestern advertisers preíer to 9............. far slimmer women. The Orma are not alone in believing fat it is beautiíul. 10............ In a recent Africa-wide beauty contest, all the Ugandan contestants were 11............ disqualitied for being a little much too large around the hips. “I don’t understand 12............ why the tashion industry's obsession with small hips,' said one judge tor the 13............ contest. “But because we want the girls to succeed in and to see Atrican 14............ models vvorking internationally, we give the industry what it wants.' 15............ Tài liệu ân thi TH PT Quốc gia món Tiếng A n h - 321 29. HOLIDAY D E ST IN A T IO N S FOR VEGETARIANS Thanks to cheap air travel, for so many people the world has 0.....so grovvn signiíicantly smaller over the last decade, but to vegetarians the 00.... y planet can still seem like írustratingly limited. For the millions of us 1...... who don't eat meat, getting the right food while on the holiday can 2....... be a key íactor when choosing which our destination. On countless 3....... trips abroad, after looking round at delighttul cities such as Seville or 4......... Prague, Ihave been obliged to eat omelette and chips for dinner as 5........ no any other vegetarian dishes were available. Some years ago Iwas 6.......... looking fonward to my first visit to Cuba when some vegetarian triends 7......... returned from there. They had really liked the country but told to 8........ me to expect two weeks of nothing but rice and beans. As a result, 9.......... Ihave cancelled my booking. Since then, countries with a meat-based 10....... food culture have been off my travel menu. Why pay for to go hungry? 11....... On the other hand, food can also be encourage people to visit 12......... certain places. India is a íascinating country, and the fact that ninety 13....... per cent of menus are vegetarian adds up to its attraction. Offering 14........ a such wide range of delicious non-meat dishes, Italy is another 15........ holiday destination vvhere veget ...

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