This research aims to examine the effects of two viral marketing attributes; namely viral advertising and E-WOM on customer purchase intention. In particular, the authors contemplate the prima facie nature of the relationship by examining brand image and age as contingent boundary conditions (moderator role). The population of the study consists of graduate students in a private Cypriot university.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
The relationship between viral marketing and consumer purchase intention, the moderator role of brand image and age: Evidence from smartphone users in North Cyprus
Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 1307–1320
Contents lists available at GrowingScience
Management Science Letters
The relationship between viral marketing and consumer purchase intention, the moderator role
of brand image and age: Evidence from smartphone users in North Cyprus
Dima Anwer Sawaftaha*, Cemal Çalıcıoğlua and Razan Ibrahim Awadallahb
Girne American University, Marketing Department, via Mersin 10, North Cyprus, Turkey
Girne American University, Business Management Department, via Mersin 10, North Cyprus, Turkey
Article history: This research aims to examine the effects of two viral marketing attributes; namely viral advertising
Received: October 25, 2019 and E-WOM on customer purchase intention. In particular, the authors contemplate the prima facie
Received in revised format: No- nature of the relationship by examining brand image and age as contingent boundary conditions
vember 20 2019
(moderator role). The population of the study consists of graduate students in a private Cypriot
Accepted: November 22, 2019
Available online: university. A sample size of 177 participants is recruited using a convenience sampling technique.
November 22, 2019 Multiple linear regression and analysis of variance are the statistical analyses employed to test the
Keywords: developed hypotheses. The findings reveal that viral marketing influenced on customer purchase
Viral Marketing intention magnified under the moderating role of brand image but age did not affect the relationship.
Customer Purchase Intention Interestingly, viral advertising had a greater effect on customer purchase intention than E-WOM.
SmartPhones Finally, discussions of this research finding in light of academic knowledge are put forward before
Viral advertising suggesting future research directions.
© 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada
1. Introduction
In the era of advancing technology and information change, communication and connectivity through the internet web have
substantially risen (Hajli, 2014). The evolution of the web, as one of the technologic advancements, created a radical shift in
the way firms interact with their consumes (Pinheiro et al., 2014). When forming a blueprint for viral marketing, a bundle of
factors must be taken into consideration, such as platforms, media type, ads content, and targeted customers (Fill & Turnbull,
2016). Viral marketing has generated a great revolution in the marketing world as a new technique, and most of it depends on
marketing specialists and their face to face practice with customers; this method let the marketers select a few people through
social media websites, blogs or general websites to plant their idea or product in a viral natural message and then leave it
spread among the customers without any effort to reach an endless number of recipients who are working on the dissemination
continuously. The philosophy of simple viral marketing based on e-mail has spread all over the world, and the word of mouth
(WOM) has been used in dealing, promoting and selling, but face-to-face until the Internet has emerged and has made a
significant shift in the world of marketing (Hmaed, 2014). Meaningful evaluations of any product or service are best done by
seeking customers’ feedback (Ugonna et al., 2017). This helps the problem floats on the surface to realize the effect of viral
marketing, viral advertising, and electronic word of mouth on purchase intention. This relationship has been investigated from
the professional marketer’s perspectives (Alsamydai, 2016; Fritz & Shaw, 2017; Saleem et al., 2017). The researcher is going
to assert this issue by analyzing the customers’ point of view, i.e. graduate students’ perspective at GAU.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Anwer Sawaftah)
© 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada
doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2019.11.027
After reviewing the available recent studies we found a lack of studies that cover the exact relationship of this one, the study
of (Rakib, 2019) which derived in Denmark to study the culture of Danish customers concentrated on “viral marketing mes-
sage and customer purchase intention” as a primary variables, but did not use any secondary variable (moderate or mediator).
Motwani and Haryani, (2018) derived their study by considering “viral marketing and consumer purchase intention” as pri-
mary variables, but did not use any secondary variable. Trivedi (2017) studied “viral marketing message and consumer be-
havioral intention” through the mediating effect of the brand in general. The study of Fritz et al. (2017)studied “viral marketing
message and customer purchase intention” without any secondary variables. Regarding to the study of Trivedi (2017) sought
to study the same relationship at the field of electronics taking into consideration the age of the customers; Hence, the re-
searchers derived this research by combining the (viral advertising and E-WOM) as an attributes for the independent variable
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