Tài liệu 4000 essential English words 6 là 1 trong 6 Tài liệu 4000 từ vựng tiếng anh thiết yếu, giúp các bạn học tiếng anh tốt hơn bằng cách học từ vựng và nắm được ngữ nghĩa của từ vựng anh văn. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo Tài liệu để nâng cao được vốn từ vựng anh văn của mình.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
4000 essential English words 6 pas sEnglishWords4000 Essential English W ords 64000 Essential English W ords 6Paul Nation© 2 0 0 9 Compass PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transm itted in any form or by any m eans, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherw ise, w ithout priorpermission in w riting from the publisher.Acquisitions Editor: Fidel CruzProject Coordinator: Annie ChoDesign: Design Plusemail: info@ com passpub.comhttp://w w w .com passpub.comISBN: 978-1-59966-407-110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 212 11Photo CreditsAll images © Shutterstock, Inc. f f I J L i d J E s ... S j S - ^ £ S l v — ......... -................. -...............................j j j g j g g j | D Unit Target Words Page alleviate, astrology, differentiate, disrupt, equation, err, erroneous, frantic, hull, inadvertent, improvise, 1 8 latitude, mariner, multitude, nuisance, permanence, revolve, soothe, stranded, volatile arduous, attain, coexist, conceive, dubious, ego, elastic, endeavor, engrave, excavate, 2 14 jagged, locale, mold, outright, periphery, plaster, shovel, skeletal, terrestrial, vicious absurd, anemia, aristocracy, aristocrat, attire, craze, enlarge, excess, feminine, hallmark, 3 20 pad, predominant, reputable, rouge, signify, strap, tangle, vanity, vie, vulgar attic, chunk, civic, descent, din, dissatisfy, fuss, gourmet, hence, intrinsic, kettle, ministry, 4 26 ordeal, outspoken, overwork, particular, pungent, snore, soundly, superintendent alternate, apologetic, benign, char, clarify, distress, dogged, ensue, gasp, negotiate, 5 32 overdose, persuasion, relay, reluctance, restate, sesame, sip, verge, wary, waver ashore, contradict, counterpart, devoid, diverge, elude, embryo, fend, fictitious, gazette, 6 38 homogeneous, obstruct, plunge, prolong, publicize, sparse, surplus, theorize, verify, vigorous altar, arthritis, botany, credible, deceased, deception, decipher, dung, dusk, gratify, 7 44 hone, mash, ornate, pneumonia, psychic, psychotic, scope, sinister, strife, therapeutic congested, courier, deform, etiquette, exclusive, freight, garment, insomnia, intuitive, liable, 8 50 obsess, overboard, premium, privilege, propel, socialize, suppress, tram, unsettle, warp artery, deterioration, elusive, forage, impede, induce, inseparable, invalid, magnify, mainstream, 9 56 microbe, negligible, paralysis, pest, prevail, respiration, rupture, savage, stun, susceptible accumulate, aerial, apparatus, avalanche, consistency, convection, discharge, intact, mortal, 10 62 omen, overcast, poignant, ranger, rubble, seclude, sideways, sob, sober, speck, upbringing advocate, authorize, civilian, commodity, conquest, disclose, dynamics, enroll, envious, 11 ...