Đề KSCL lần 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2017-2018 - Sở GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc - Mã đề 356
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Đề KSCL lần 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2017-2018 - Sở GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc - Mã đề 356 SỞGD&ĐTVĨNHPHÚC ĐỀKSCLHỌCSINHLẦN1NĂMHỌC20172018 MÔN:TIẾNGANHLỚP10 (Đềthigồmcó4trang) (Thờigianlàmbài:60phút,khôngkểthờigiangiaođề) MãĐề356ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethecorrectanswertoeachofthequestions from1to7 IwasborninNewcastle,acityintheNorthEastofEngland.NewcastleisonthebankoftheRiverTyne.Itisquitebig,withapopulationofabout200,000people.Thereisacathedralandauniversity.TherearefivebridgesovertheRiverTyne,whichlinkNewcastletothenexttown,Gateshead,wherethereisoneofthebiggestshoppingcentersintheworld.Afewyearsago,themainindustrieswereshipbuildingandcoalmining,butnowthechemicalandsoapindustriesareimportant.ImovedtoLondontenyearsagobutIoftenreturntoNewcastle.Imissthepeople,whoareveryfriendly,andImissthebeautifulcountrysidenearthecity,wheretherearesomanyhillsand streams. People who are born near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called“Geodies”.Iamverypleasedtobecalleda“Geodies”.Câu1:WhichsentenceisNOTTRUE? A.ThewriterwasbornneartheRiverTyne. B.Thewriterdoesn’tgetusedtolivinginNewcastlecity. C.Thewriterdoesn’tliveintheNewcastlecityanymore. D.ThereismorethanonebridgeovertheRiverTyne.Câu2:Whatdoes“It”referto? A.Thenexttown,Gateshead B.Newcastlecity C.ThebankoftheriverTyne D.TheriverTyneCâu3:WhatlinkNewcastletothenexttown? A.ashoppingcenter B.Fivebridges C.Gateshead D.OnebridgeCâu4:Whichhasoneofthebiggestshoppingcentersintheworld? A.Gateshead B.Newcastle C.NorthEastofEngland D.RiverTyneCâu5:Wheredoesthewriterlivenow? A.Gateshead B.Newcastle C.NorthEastofEngland D.LondonCâu6:Whatdoesthewritermiss? A.thepeople B.thehillsandthestreams C.thebeautifulcountries D.thepeopleandthebeautifulcountriesCâu7:Whoarecalled“Geodies”? A.peoplewhoarebornneartheRiverTyne B.peoplewhoareborninNewcastle C.peoplewhoareborninLondon D.peoplewhoareborninEnglandMarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatetheword(s)CLOSESTinmeaning totheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestionsfrom8to9Câu8:Whatarevisitorstotheclasswelcomedwith? A.lookerson B.callers C.sightseers D.guestsCâu9:He’sreallydelightedwithhissuccess. Trang1/5Mãđềthi356 A.annoyed B.pleased C.entertained D.angryReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDonyouranswersheettoindicatethe correctanswertoeachofthequestionsfrom10to17 May7th,1840,wasthebirthday ofoneofthemostfamousRussiancomposersofthenineteenthcentury:PeterIllichTchaikovsky.Thesonofamininginspector,TchaikovskystudiedmusicasachildandlaterstudiedcompositionattheSt.PetersburgConservatory.Hisgreatestperiod of productivity occurred between 1876 and 1890, during which time he enjoyed thepatronageofMadameVonMeck,awomanhenevermet,whogavehimalivingstipendofabout1,000ayear.MadameVonMecklaterterminatedherfriendshipwithTchaikovsky,aswellashisliving allowance, when she herself was facing financial difficulties. It was during the time ofMadameVonMeck’spatronage,however,thatTchaikovskycreatedthemusicfor which heismost famous , including the music for the ballets of Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty .Tchaikovsky’smusic,wellknownforitsrichmelodicandsometimesmelancholypassages,wasoneofthefirstthatbroughtseriousdramaticmusictodance.Beforethis,littleattentionhadbe ...
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