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An toàn lao động và Cục Quản lý Y tế (OSHA) yêu cầu người sử dụng lao động để bảo vệ nhân viên của họ từ những mối nguy hiểm tại nơi làm việc như máy móc, quy trình công việc, và các chất độc hại có thể gây thương tích hoặc bệnh tật. Nó được biết đến từ các hoạt động trong quá khứ và tình huống mà một cái gì đó phải được thực hiện để giảm thiểu hoặc loại bỏ các mối nguy hiểm từ nơi làm việc. Hành động thường tạo ra mối nguy hiểm khác,...
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Industrial Safety and Health for Goods and Materials Services - Chapter 1111 Controls and PPESafety toed shoes, safety eyewear, head protection, ear protection, and hand protection are allforms of personal protective equipment.11.1 HAZARD PREVENTION AND CONTROLSThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require employers toprotect their employees from workplace hazards such as machines, work procedures,and hazardous substances that can cause injury or illnesses. It is known from pastpractices and situations that something must be done to mitigate or remove hazardsfrom the workplace. Actions taken often create other hazards, which had not existedbefore attempting to address the existing hazard. Many companies have suggestion programs where workers receive rewards forsuggestions that are implemented. It is no surprise that the person who often has the bestideas is the one who suffers most from that particular hazard. It is a sound managementprocess to involve those who are impacted most in decision-making processes.ß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Several methods have been used over the years to control hazards and these canbe segregated into five categories. The preferred methods are engineering controls,awareness devices, predetermined safe work practices, and administrative controls.When these controls are not feasible or do not provide sufficient protection, analternative or supplementary method of protection is to provide workers withpersonal protective equipment (PPE) and the know-how to use it properly.11.2 ENGINEERING CONTROLSWhen a hazard is identified in the workplace, every effort should be made to eliminateit so that employees are not harmed. Elimination may be accomplished by designing orredesigning a piece of equipment or process. This could be the installation of a guardon a piece of machinery, which prevents workers from contacting the hazard. Thehazard can be engineered out of the operation. Another way to reduce or control thehazard is to isolate the process, such as in the manufacture of vinyl chloride used tomake such items as plastic milk bottles, where the entire process becomes a closedcircuit. This will result in no one being exposed to vinyl chloride gas, which is knownto cause cancer. Thus, any physical controls which are put in place are considered to bethe best approach from an engineering perspective. Keep in mind that you are aconsumer of products. Thus, at times you can leverage the manufacturer to implementsafeguards or safety devices on products that you are looking to purchase. Let yourvendor do the engineering for you or do not purchase their product. This may notalways be a viable option. To summarize the engineering controls that can be used, thefollowing may be considered: . Substitution . Elimination . Ventilation . Isolation . Process or design change11.3 AWARENESS DEVICESAwareness devices are linked to the senses. They are warning devices, which can beheard and seen. They act as alerts to workers, but create no type of physical barrier.They are found in most workplaces and carry with them a moderate degree ofeffectiveness. Such devices are as follows: . Backup alarms . Warning signals both audible and visual . Warning signs11.4 WORK PRACTICESWork practices are the means by which a job task or activity is done. This may meanthat you create a specific procedure for completing the task or job. It may alsoß 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.mean that you implement special training for a job or task. It also presupposes thatyou might require inspection of the equipment or machinery before beginning workor when a failure has occurred. An inspection should be done before restarting theprocess or task. A lockout=tagout procedure may also be required to create a zeropotential energy release.11.5 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSA second approach is to control the hazard through administrative directives. This maybe accomplished by rotating workers, which allows you to limit their exposure, orhaving workers only work in areas when no hazards exist during that part of their shift.This applies particularly to chemical exposures and repetitive activities that could resultin ergonomic related incidents. Examples of administrative controls are as follows: Requiring specific training and education . . Scheduling off-shift work . Worker rotation11.5.1 MANAGEMENT CONTROLSManagement controls are needed to express the company’s view of hazards and theirresponse to hazards that have been detected. The entire program must be directedand supported through the management controls. If management does not have asystematic and set procedure for addressing the control of hazards in place, thereporting=identifying of hazards is a waste of time and money. This goes back ...