Construction of a female shape changing robotic mannequin
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Construction of a female shape changing robotic mannequinJournal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2013Construction of a Female Shape-ChangingRobotic MannequinArtur AbelsTartu University Institute of Technology, Intelligent Materials lab, Tartu, EstoniaEmail: artur.abels@ut.eeMaarja KruusmaaTallinn University of Technology, Center of Biorobotics, Tallinn, EstoniaEmail: maarja.kruusmaa@biorobotics.eeAbstract—This paper describes a shape-changing roboticmannequin. It is designed to imitate shapes of differentpeople to be used in online clothes retail and made-tomeasure garment industry. We discuss the challengesrelated to creation of a female robotic mannequin anddescribe the technical solutions. clients and assuring people that a correct choice can bemade when buying clothes online.This business model is implemented in a start-upcompany [1]. It currently provides virtual fittingrooms for online retailers using robotic mannequins.Previously we have concentrated our effort on malemannequins, because they are simplier to design andcontrol. However, women are more active buyers on theinternet and even more active when it comes to clothes.For those reasons we have developed also female roboticmannequins.In our previous papers we have discussed the problemon comparing shape of a client to a shape of a mannequin[2]. Then the problem of adjusting the shape of themannequin to match the shape of the client was addressed[3]. In this article we present the design concept and theprototype of a female mannequin.Index Terms—Robotic mannequin, Humanoid robot, Shapechanging robot, TailoringI.INTRODUCTIONThe robotic mannequins presented in this paper havebeen designed to substitute real people during clothes tryon. There are two main applications – made to measuregarment industry and online clothes retail.In made to measure garment industry numerous try-onsare needed in order to ensure proper fitting of clothes.This fact limits a choice of a tailor to the regiongeographically close to a customer. In countries withhigher income, where made to measure tailor services areused more widely, there is a lack of qualified tailors. Incountries with lower income, on the opposite, even themost qualified tailors can suffer from the lack of clients.This imbalance can be overcome by using the roboticmannequins, which substitute people during try-ons. Thisway a tailor does not need to be close to a customer – a3D scan of a customer needs to be sent to a tailor and therobotic mannequin takes the shape of the client.The other major application is online clothes retailindustry, which suffers from huge return rates. The mainreason is that a client has no way of seeing how a givenpiece of clothing would fit him or her. A high probabilityof returns reduces trust of a customer towards the wholeconcept of online clothes retail, further complicating thesituation. Usage of the robotic mannequin can provide acustomer with the visual feedback required to make acorrect choice. In this case no 3D scan is needed – acustomer enters his dimensions and the image of therobotic mannequin, taking clients shape is shown withclothes put on to it. This reduces the rate of returns thuslowering the risks for retailers, reducing the cost forII.There are several topics related to robotic mannequinsbut to the best of our knowledge none addressed a shapechanging mannequin so far.First of all, the robotic mannequin is a humanoid robot,but the term humanoid robotics usually refers to otherkind of problems. Humanoid robots mostly are designedto walk, hold tools or mimick some human-like behaviour[4]. Some humanoid robots express emotions [5]. Ourmannequin on the other hand is made to mimick theshapes of different people.The robotic mannequin seems related to reconfigurablerobots [6]. This topic mostly deals with a colony ofidentical blocks that can interconnect to form complexstructures.The robotic mannequin is also an industrial robot, butindustrial robotics mostly focuses on serial manipulatorswith the emphasis on control.Finally, robotic mannequins are related to virtualmannequins and virtual try-on fitting rooms [7]-[9].During the recent years this topic has become popular,and it is widely believed that virtual fitting rooms will beable to substitute real try-ons. This method however hasits disadvantages. First of all to make an accurate modelof the garment a very specific data on cloth propertiesManuscript received October 5, 2012; revised December 24, 2012.©2013 Engineering and Technology Publishingdoi: 10.12720/joace.1.2.132-134RELATED WORK132Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2013and cutouts is needed. This data is very hard to obtain forthe retailer. The second disadvantage is that computergenerated images do not look trustworthy and realistic toth ...
Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa liên quan:
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Construction of a female shape changing robotic mannequin Female shape changing robotic mannequin Made-tomeasure garment industryGợi ý tài liệu liên quan:
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